Definder - what does the word mean?

What is itchies?

noun: A temporary psychosomatic condition wherein the afflicted person experiences itching sensations at various locations around the body. Most of the itchy spots have no physical reason to be itchy, though a bout of the itcgies may be triggered by an initial legitimate itch (like an insect bite or rash).

Sign that gives you the itchies: "Please do not scratch on this premisis."

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itchies meme gif

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Itchies - what is it?

Annoying; irritating

β€œThem twelve year olds are itchy asf”

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What does "itchies" mean?

Extremely impressive or used to express excitement
Equivalent to cool, awesome, and nice.

"Hey man, I just got the new ikonik skin on fortnite!"

"Damn bro, that's itchy!"

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Itchies - what does it mean?

nervous, moves twitch-like, anti-social

any prodigy

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Itchies - meaning


You will never catch me with a ITCHY bitch on my side.

Every time I'm around other hoes my bitch gets ITCHY.

She ain't got no swag with her ITCHY ass.

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Itchies - definition

to be intensely irritating to the point that you make someone's skin crawl.

DAAAMNN it's itchy of Cosmo to try and plagiarise my word!!

Maddy is so itchy; she never shuts up about her 86 day snap streak with Tintin

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Itchies - slang

A word that describes the physical feeling of itchiness that is caused by taking opiates, such as Vicodin, Oxycotin, ect.
Used as slang term to describe the consumption of opiates.

"Hey, you trying to get itchy this weekend?"

"They gave my brother a lot of Vicodin after he had his wisdom teeth out...He got hella itchy!"

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illegal gun;street fire arm.

man da popo's stopped me and tried to put ah itchy on me.

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A compliment, meaning cool, sick or nice.

Your outfit looks itchy today.
Yoooooo you look hella itchy!

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irritation of the skin usually caused by dry skin cells

Alleriges give me itchy skin.

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