Definder - what does the word mean?

What is iqbal?

1. the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

2. act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage.

3. a thing made to be similar or identical to another.

4. make a similar or identical version of; reproduce.

1.there were accusations of Zafar Iqbal

2. She Zafar Iqbal in the final exam

3. the problem is telling which is the original document and which the Zafar Iqbal

4.each form had to be Zafar Iqbal and sent to a different department

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iqbal - meme gif

iqbal meme gif

iqbal - video


Iqbal - what is it?

The act of an innfamous celebrity who was caught plagiarizing works and using Google Translate to make them seem "Original". This person’s work has over time been deemed highly unoriginal and misrepresentative. Even after countless revisions, the person's attempts at writing have lacked depth and understanding of the language.

This person does have a lot of fans, however, and for a period of time their works were celebrated. The public was surprised to find out that their works were actually plagiarized. However, their popularity quickly declined after people realized the truth.

Even though this person has since been labeled a plagiarist, it still has not stopped them from writing or gaining success. Their reliance on Google translate seems to be immense and looks to continue for the foreseeable future.

He was kicked out of the exam hall for zafar iqballing in the exam.

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What does "iqbal" mean?

An expression used to refer to some one who is immensely cool, and has style unrivalled by any one else. Known as the Raja. An OG who is casual and laid back and pulls of any style. A baller of extreme porportions. He often enjoys hanging out and being a damn fine brother. Hamaad most often can be found in hookah bars, or chilling with hot babes or rolling around in bentleys with the big Dawgs . Usually Hamaad likes cars and Persian Girls. Hamaad is very dependable when you need him to be. This kind of person has your back. A true Paki with the looks who bows down to Allah.

I wish i was Hamaad Iqbal he attracts girls like a magnet and knows how to run the game!

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Iqbal - what does it mean?

Complete utter failure in life.

He was Iqbaled when he asked the girl out.

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Iqbal - meaning

Muslim (especially common in Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh): from a personal name based on Arabic 'iqbal 'prosperity', 'success'. Allama Iqbal (1873–1938) was a great poet and philosopher in India.

If a person has Iqbal in his name then he might be refferde to king, honest, loyal or lovable.

Ahmed Iqbal, Javed Iqbal, Junaid Iqbal, Jhangeer Iqbal, Jafar Iqbal, Muhammed Iqbal, Allama Iqbal. These where some names that commonly have Iqbal in there names.

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Iqbal - definition

v to disappear from a job leaving no notice or trace of one's existence

alt v to fire someone without actually seeing them in person

We hired him to programme for us this summer, but he just iqballed out on us.

So I missed a week at the CL, and next thing you know I'm iqballed!

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Iqbal - slang

smart, intelligent woman who seeks knowledge. Sometimes serious, but is naturally funny and is very friendly. She will rarely get angry but unfortunately lets people step all over her . She is someone you can always count on, even in the most complicated and hardest of times!

#smart #intelligent woman #iqbal

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a genius who loves wisdom.

Irwan is an Iqbal who is outstanding among philosophers for his revolutionizing views on art, science and life.

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He is a guy with a clear ambition and dream. HE IS CUTE LIKE LITERALLY CUTE I TELL YOU. When he loves, he loves hard. He is sweet, and soft. The man i love and the man i look up to. If you are reading this, im telling you,Muhammad Iqbal, i really really like you <3

"owh, how can i stop loving an iqbal"

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he is a boy with a soft heart . he's very handsome boy i ever met !! i love to see his eyes . he has a good smiles on their face . thats why im in love with him . he also has a perfect attitude which is he never leave me at my lowest and he always give me a space to calm down . boy , if you reading this , no matter what happens , im still in love with you , take care and see you in another sides <3

sof : hey !! look at that . iqbal is watching us .

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