Definder - what does the word mean?

What is iann?

The best and most underrated cutest thing ever <3
He is very talented, a very good rapper,

be blessed when you listen to Iann Dior

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iann - meme gif

iann meme gif

iann - video


Iann - what is it?

Juice WRLDS Son

Juice:no u
Iann Dior :No


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What does "iann" mean?

A 20 year old rapper raised in Texas but was born in Puerto Rico His date of birth is March 25,1999 He goes by the name Iann Dior but his real name is Michael Ian Olmo His Discography includes hot singles "emotions" Molly" Romance 361"and "cutthroat" his first album was "nothing's ever good enough" his songs have achieved over 40 million across various platforms his net worth is estimated at 300$ thousand USD

Iann dior

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Iann - what does it mean?

Iann is the most attractive guy you'll ever meet. He's hot, handsome and much more. He always apologizes for the littlest things which let's you know he really cares. He always says he stupid for asking simple questions when in my eyes he's not even close to that. Just know that once you look into his eyes be careful because with him it is no joke but love at first sight. Atleast in my opinion.

Iann is attractive.

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Iann - meaning

INSANE GIRL! Loka!!! lahat na! puro sya ka-XDhan!! XDness at whew pa sya!

Ianne is the craziest girl in the world!!

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Iann - definition

The stupidest Weirdest baddest bih Out there. Who is flat AF

Look at that iann

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Iann - slang


On a scale from Iann to Taco Bell how beefy am I?

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Generous, kind, loving, caring, very hot, down to earth, beautiful, funny, someone who will make you change your way of life or make you realize deep inner feelings, very good listener.

A Iann is a person, mostly a male, who lectures people on how to become a better human being. A Iann is mostly always right, they always have the right things to say at the right time. Very funny, talented and hot a Iann tend to be good at everything they do, from sports to cooking to general every day things. Often know as having a big penis, a Iann will satisfy any women. Very open minded and creative they are a pleasure to be around.

A Iann tend to know what they want although will change their mind very fast if the situation gets too intense.

They are very lovable, kind and generous.

They don't understand the importance they have in other people lives and they don't seem to realize that they are being loved by everyone who meets them.

A Iann takes your breath away and leaves you speechless. And has a way of making your heart melt like no one else ever will.

Iann will always show you the affection needed

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A fat bitch who likes know one and everyone hates her, she has no friends and is lonely asf oh..did I mention she’s a bitch

β€œAre you a iann or something; get a life”

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Crazy and psychopathic person who looks innocent.

Holy shit your a "IANN"

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