Definder - what does the word mean?

What is i love YOU?

It is words used by people who are in Love with each other,

They would do anything for the other person,

They would tell them things they wouldn't share with anyone,

They are happy and smitten,

It gives them a reason to live.

Just thinking about that person puts a smile on their face and makes their day perfect,

They would go through anything and go anywhere for you,

It leads people to marriage and having kids.

They would give you everything you need and be Content with just being with you and seeing you happy.

The only thing they would want to change about you is your last name.

Andrew: I Love you so much I can't fall asleep because reality is better than my dreams. xXx

Caitlin: Awwwww, I feel the same about you -Kisses Andrew- I Love You. -puts head into Andrew's chest- XxX

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i love YOU - video


I love YOU - what is it?

Three words that you say if your heart truly belongs to someone. That you would die for them.

Guy:I love you jess.

Girl:I love you too.

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What does "i love YOU" mean?

Words to describe feelings when a really special action from a person that can help you feel better and get you smiling, symptoms of happiness and feel supported in which their actions consider you telling them I Love you, because you love the person for who they are and what they are doing for you because that is how their actions effect your emotions, Nothing Magical!

"Mom I Love you for supporting me in court today"

"I Love you Baby for always cooking for me after coming from work all tired"

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I love YOU - what does it mean?

I love you is a strong word that people use too much, people say it without knowing the real meaning of it. It’s a way of expressing your feelings for someone, but you may only say it to that special someone otherwise it would mean nothing.

If someone tells you they love you, what they are trying to say is they can see their future in your eyes.

β€œWe have spend years together now, it’s time I confess....I love you feel the same way?..”

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I love YOU - meaning

The sweetest thing one person can tell another. Should only be said if meant.

Person One:I love you.

Person Two: I love you too.

Person One: I mean it.

Person Two: You made my day.

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I love YOU - definition

The words my mother never said to me...

All I wanted my mom to say to me was "I love you"

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I love YOU - slang

A saying. An over used statement in which society today takes for granted. The usage of the phrase varies deeply. It can range from a simple "Hey baby, I love you, now lets hook up." to a feeling with when truly inlove, is literally indescribable. Phycology dictates it as a simple chemical reaction triggered within the confines of your brain, but it is much, much more. It can be in the very epicenter of your soul or it can be your ultimate downfall. Love can either destroy you, or be the very reason of your existence. Love is what love does. Love is giving someone with the power to obliterate you, but having complete faith and trust in them not to. Love is life.

Guy who truly loves a girl: "I love you and I want to be with you forever."

Girl who truly loves the guy above: "I love you too, and you're my everything."

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I love YOU

three dangerous words abused by pop culture, teenagers and American society as a whole. often used by males to get into a woman's pants BUT-

when a guy says these words to a girl (and truly does mean it) he is basically giving her permission to walk all over him... but he doesn't care. when he means it, every second he spends with her, every time he hears her voice, every kiss, every laugh, every joke, every argument- is the best moment of his life.
a girl will question his reciprocation constantly for fear of being fooled. but if she truly loves him, she will believe anything and everything he tells her.
when you really mean it, you'll never get tired of saying or hearing these words.

when your in love, you'd rather hear the other person's voice than sleep. you care more about them than you care about yourself. you'll never let the other say they love you more. you always want to be around them and feel happy when your around them. no matter how long you are with them, its never enough- you always want to be around the person. their happiness becomes your priority and you would do anything and everything just to see them smile.

you could go on and on trying to define your feelings for that person but you'll never find words to accurately explain.

if you find love, you'll know. don't be fooled by lust. when love comes around, the hours fly by when you talk to that person.

teenagers- i know you all think your in love but PLEASE do not say it unless you are 104% positive its for real. too many people use these 3 words too lightly and they are beginning to lose their meaning.

if you find someone worth saying these words to, you are very lucky.

i love you are 3 words you'll never understand until you experience their meaning for yourself.

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I love YOU

The three hardest words to say in the English Language.

When done properly, side effects include: A seeming absence of your stomach, silence, perhaps tears, and an overwhelming joy.

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I love YOU

words that can mean so much to someone, or words that mean nothing to someone.

i love you..

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