Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hot cocking?

it's a blow job, you idiot.

"Hot cock sandwiches, get 'em while they're hot."

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hot cocking - video


Hot cocking - what is it?

Trucker term: a load of bullshit or "red tape" dribble

Person a - "what do you think of the new rules?"
Person b - "what A LOAD OF HOT COCK!!"

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What does "hot cocking" mean?

A spicy condiment containing sun-ripened chili peppers, vinegar, garlic, sugar and salt. Otherwise known as Sriracha, hot cock sauce is ubiquitous in many Asian cuisines. Real Thai and Vietnamese restaurants will have it out on the table and it is a required ingredient in Pho. In addition, some sushi rolls (like spicy salmon) and traditional Chinese dumpling dipping sauces use hot cock sauce. The name is derived from the large cock/rooster on the bottle.

Pass me the hot cock sauce.

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Hot cocking - what does it mean?

Before getting a blowjob, dump melted chocolate all over your cock and nutsack, then add whipped cream on your pubic hairs and your cock, then add a cherry on the tip and have the girl lick it all off.

i had a huge hot cock sundae last night

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Hot cocking - meaning

A penis that has a higher surface than 105 degrees farenheit, this is usually after sex.

"Oh give me that hot 5 inch cock"

"Ohh yaaa ohh yaa that hot cock in my buttwhole"

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Hot cocking - definition

When a women (or a man) goes from one dick to the other within a short period of time. Similar to 'hot potato' i.e. This could be in a orgy situation or a sluts night out situation...

"Last night Brenda fucked Matt, Dave, Ian, Nigel, Angus and Brent. She was clearly hot cocking big time."

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Hot cocking - slang

When your other friends get hot chocolate and instead of actually getting hot chocolate you make a joke about hot cocoa sounds like hot cock and no one laughs. It wasn’t funny. Why the fuck are you laughing?

Guy #1: *making hot cocoa*
Guy #2: Hey if you replace some of the words in hot cocoa it sounds like hot cock.

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Hot cocking

The act of eating a hot pepper before giving a blow job. When said cock is exposed to air, depending on the heat intensity of the consumed pepper, it begins to heat up, sometimes painfully hot.

My girlfriend totally hot cocked me last night! I had to put my dick in milk for ten minutes.

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Hot cocking

another name for sriracha sauce (Asian hot chili sauce in plastic squeeze bottle with green tip), named for the picture of the rooster on the front.

i drowned my chow mein in hot cock

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Hot cocking

1) When a cocky and conceited male trys to assert his dominance over another man, or group of men, in an overly conceited manner.

2) The act of walking around thinking your better than everyone just because you do 1 or 2 cool things.

1) Dude, Ronnie just closed the deal he was working on and he’s been hot cocking it the whole afternoon.

2) Man, DarDae and Marron got some girls numbers on accident last night and they’ve been hot cocking all damn day!!

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