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What is hooker spit?

Emanating from Red Deer, Canada, Hooker Spit is an up and coming Death Metal band with a penchant for writing infectious riffs. Comprising of Vlad Glyegore (Lead Guitar), Devin Link (Rhythm Guitar), JosΓ© Garza (Bass), Daniel White (Vocals) and Scott Gooding (Drums), the Quintet is inspired by internationally acclaimed bands like At The Gates, Bloodbath, Carcass, and The Black Dahlia Murder.

Q- What are you up to this weekend?
A- Hooker Spit’s in town so I’m gonna get drunk and watch some live metal!

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hooker spit - video


Hooker spit - what is it?

Lube for any sexual activity

Her vagina was so dry , we had to get some Hooker Spit.

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What does "hooker spit" mean?

when your mouth has heavy sticky saliva accumulated. result from excess oxygen intake (running) and gatoraid

man, after that run, i dun got me some hooker spit

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Hooker spit - what does it mean?

Magical liquids from the bottom of hooker boots

You have a lot of hooker spit in your throat.

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Hooker spit - meaning

Magical liquids from the bottom of hooker boots

You have a lot of hooker spit in your throat.

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Hooker spit - definition

Mixed Drink from Kent State Unversity originating from the Noizey Jackelopes consisting of:
warm milk
all in a single shot glass

My friend Alo decided to try some hooker spit and loved it.

Hey guys what do you want to do tonight?
IDK maybe take some shots of Hooker Spit!!!

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Hooker spit - slang

Hooker spit contains many substances, such as:
weed, nicotine, ash, alcohol, cocaine, sperm, skin tissue, fuzz,
some times teeth, blood, hair, sweat, and tears of children.

"Hey Tim!"
"You got any beer with you?"
"Dude, it's 8:30 in the morning!"
"Yeah, but I gotta get the taste of hooker spit out of my mouth."
"You know what, I think I'll have a beer to"

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Hooker spit

the liquids that result after any unexplainable hooker-like event.

Alex got hooker spit all over when he fell out the window.

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