Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hokes?

most good; showing of emence greatness

that was hoke when I won the lottery

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hokes - meme gif

hokes meme gif

hokes - video


Hokes - what is it?

a word to say when there are no words to be said

bob: my ass is bleeding a lot

dan: hoke

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What does "hokes" mean?

A British person who is 6 feet wide and has the ugliest haircut ever.

"Man, Davena is such a HOKE"

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Hokes - what does it mean?

To mess or screw around.

"Do I look like I hoke around"? Jonathon said to Michael.

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Hokes - meaning

to describe someone who's fat, being/acting like a fat person.

A: "yo look at that guy over there, he's munching down that bag of chips like there's no tomorrow!"

B: "damn nature, what a hokee.."

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Hokes - definition

To chauffeur someone around, particularly an old lady, so that she can run errands. (Originated from the name of the black man, Hoke, in the movie Driving Miss Daisy.)

Man 1: Hey buddy, you wanna go golfing Saturday?
Man 2: I can't... I gotta hoke my mother to the hairdresser.

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Hokes - slang

Otherwise known as the triangle choke; a submission in Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu; perfected by a tall fellow from Minnesota

The Hokeness choke is very effective at stopping bloodflow to the brain. That guy was Hokenessed out!

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To go for a touchdown when all pussies think you should kick a FG

Michigan totally Hoked Notre Dame last night. What a game!

The Lions almost got Hoked before halftime against the Bucs, but the defense broke up the Bucs pass in the end zone.

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Belfast/Northern Irish word for "rummage" or "Find"

Me: Did you find that cd?
Billy: Aye, I'll have a Hoke for it now

Me: Give us a hoke at ye!!

Me: Give us a hoke at ur blurt (Northern Irish Slang for vagina)

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To randomly or unexpectedly leave anything at any point of time without any notice or prior knowledge from the opposing person or people.

That was the last time I've ever heard of Jeff. He totally hoked me!

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