Definder - what does the word mean?

What is heehaw?

A nickname for a very pretty girl.

β€œHey heehaw, you look pretty today”

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heehaw - meme gif

heehaw meme gif

heehaw - video


Heehaw - what is it?

Unruly, obnoxious, crazy.

It can be an adjective, noun, and verb.


That’s some heehaw shit
He’s a heehaw

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What does "heehaw" mean?

F'd in the A

Bro, you got heehawed on that deal!

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Heehaw - what does it mean?

1. A loose definition for an unruly ass.

2. A wild person not considerate to others around them and doesn't care.

That heehaw spilt his beer in my onion dip trying to dance at the snack table with some lady who was clearly not intrested.

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Heehaw - meaning

1. a male; usually a lineman of sorts. Has an unaltered laugh that sometimes resembles a jackass/donkey.

2. a male; with a think country accent. when heard over a radio, fellow workers call him this..

he sounds like he's from that old TV show, Heehaw!

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Heehaw - definition

the appalling, nasal whining that comes out of jen's mouth when she "sings"

oh god she's heehaw'ing again, COME BUY YOUR EARPLUGS, GOT A 2 FOR 1 DEAL!!

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Heehaw - slang

The only word in the French language!

Heehaw heehaw heehaw!
Heehaw heehaw!

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The only word in the French language.

Heehaw heehaw heehaw!

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A disagreeable boor.

The word is derived from the sound that a donkey makes, therefore it is as if one is calling the heehaw a jackass, without actually using profanity.

When someone has been rude, offensive, boorish, and or inconsiderate one may call that person a heehaw.

"What a heehaw!"

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to laugh loudly, somewhat like a donkey

What are you heehawing about? My joke wasn't that funny!

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