Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gummybear?

Tits that are small but satisfying.

"Man Jared , Stephanie's ass is on point but she got them gummybear tits."

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gummybear - meme gif

gummybear meme gif

gummybear - video


Gummybear - what is it?

A THC infused gummybear. Sold or made in a marijuana dispensary.

I took a magic gummybear from my local dispensary and my back feels much better. Pass the cheetos.

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What does "gummybear" mean?

A sexual act which takes place in a swamp, where a really fat guy wearing a baseball cap ass-rapes a scene boy and force-feeds him gummy bears through his eye sockets.

Old fat guy: "See that kid over there? I gave him a Louisiana Gummybear, if you get what I'm saying..." *wink wink*

Scene kid: "booty"

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Gummybear - what does it mean?

A womans breast; that are exceptional in size and visually appealing.

"Dude, check out those gummybears."

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Gummybear - meaning

The art of removing a baby bear's teeth, and then receiving tranquilized forced fellatio from said, toothless cub. The aforementioned bear must weigh less than 32 kilos and be performed in the bear's natural habitat.

"Man, I got such a grizzly gummybear this morning. I was almost late for work!"

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Gummybear - definition

Large, husky, but hairless gay man that steals your picnic basket.

I turned my back from the campfire for two seconds and that fucking gummybear stole my smore.'

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Gummybear - slang

a large snot that's eaten.

The entire class seen the boy picking his nose and eating the gummybears he found inside.

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A sexy female who is very popular and jovial. One who makes you laugh and giggle and sing. A super awesome person who i would die for. But has bad taste in friends.

That person is so nice. She is a Gummybear

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A chewy, delicious phenomenon that makes your heart and belly smile no matter what mood you are in.

Best eaten head first!

The tasty love of your life.
GREEN is yummiest of them all!

Oh, I'm a Gummybear!
Yes I'm a Gummybear!
Oh, I'm a yummy, chummy, funny, lucky, Gummybear!
I am a jelly bear, 'cause I'm a Gummybear!
Oh I'm a movin', groovin', jammin', singin' Gummybear!

I'm going to chew your little Gummybear head off!

Gummybear shrieks*


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Noun or adjective. Someone's smile bears (shows) a lot of gum.

"Gross, when she smiles there's more gum than teeth."
"Yeah, she has a gummybear smile."

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