Definder - what does the word mean?

What is guantes?

Whrn you're fucking a slut and you hit the wrong spot in her vagina with your cock, resulting in an eruption of blood.

Damn, that was a BFG (Big Fucking Guant)

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guantes meme gif

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Guantes - what is it?

Spanish term for person who is shamelessly dishonest in their social interactions often changing their opinions and persona accordingly.

El politico Biden es tan cara de guante que quien sabe lo que es la verdad.

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What does "guantes" mean?

Spanish phrase used to describe an a girl with an ugly face. Literal translation is "Glove Face." Trying to suggest girl caught a fastball to the face, which is why she is so ugly.

Esa vieja tiene "cara de guante!"

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Guantes - what does it mean?

Geraffi Unicorns attacking ninja tanning studio

The guants left with a mighty tan that could make Donald Trump admit defeat

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Guantes - meaning

A female reproductive part i.e. vagina. The word stems from the idea that the female organ "catches" the male organ sperm.

spoken ; won-te

Oww she took one right in the guante, that is not right.

I was hitting that guante all night long.

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Guantes - definition

Both a verb and an adjective which is derived from the way some Guantanamo detainees were fed.

1. To feed rectally.

1. A way of feeding which is done rectally.

β€œI can’t believe you guanted the whole burrito!”
β€œI’m going to eat that milkshake guant style.”

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Guantes - slang

fighting (usually used as tirar guantes)
throwing blows or hits

the vato over there wants to tirar guantes with you.

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