Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gotard?

A person who really makes a fool out of his/her self and doesnt realize that untill something horrible happens

A person mixes clorine and alcohol and shakes it and blows their hand off. That person is a Gotard

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gotard meme gif

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Gotard - what is it?

v: To be gotarded.
n: One who is a gotard. An extremely retarded moron that tries to be smart

-Look what you did to my monkey, you gotard!

-What are you, some kind of gotard?

-Rush Limbaugh

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What does "gotard" mean?

one whose going is slowed

Patrick Smyth has been a gotard since his illness

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Gotard - what does it mean?

(noun) A busy body, someone who is always "on the go". Busy to a fault. go-tards may become frazzled if they cannot find something to keep themsleves occupied. obsessive-compulsive.

Jerry has been running around doing errands and he missed the game. what a go-tard!

That's the third time Sherri has cleaned the kitchen today! what a go-tard!

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Gotard - meaning

1. n. Refers to a person who is dumb, usually used in the context of a mindless action.

1. He's such a gotard.

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Gotard - definition

Some one who is extra retarded.

My friend is a gotard! he put his finger in a blender the other day.

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Gotard - slang

In grappling sports such as wrestling, jiujitsu or judo, a person who is of low intelligence but high strength and explosiveness. Has a tendency to try to power through techniques with pure muscle and/or try moves with no regard for wether they are in a good position to do them.

"The gotarded wrestler tried to guillotine me from my guard before slamming me."-Aesopian

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Alternate spelling: go-tard

An extremely energetic and foolhardy person always looking for attention and adventure by pulling some ridiculous stunt. Usually they will be drunk, but not always. Highly suggestable.

A person who has a lot of "get up and go," but only for retarded, dangerous actions.

You: I don't think you should fight that guy. He's twice your size and has a "Marines" tatoo. And he's talking to a cop, like, right now.
Gotard: I'm doing it! Float like a butterfly, sting...uhh, how does the rest of that go?

You: Don't you need a parachute for this?
Gotard: No, just watch. It'll be awesome.

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n. a person with a physical or mental handicap that is somehow very capabale and has a certain joi de vivre.

He will never make it to head grocery bagger, but he sure is a gotard.

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A rejected euphemism for the physically handicapped.

The gotard bought a new, faster wheelchair last year.

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