Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gooties?

When the vagina is so loose from having intercourse that it stretches out and actually connects to the anal sphincter.
"Getting all up in dat" gooty hole is found very pleasurable.

1: Ay dawg you fuck dat hoe in da ass o da pussy?

2: Man what da fuck you talkin bout I fucked both at the same time!



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gooties - meme gif

gooties meme gif

gooties - video


Gooties - what is it?

a mocking but affectionate term used to describe a good friend (i.e. Gooti-man)

also used as slang word for someone of low IQ or who is prone to error or accident

Hey, I can't believe you spilt my decanter, you are assuredly a gooti-man!

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What does "gooties" mean?

Another word for genitals.

Grab 'em by the gooty

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Gooties - what does it mean?

A really cute chubby baby th as t likes to share stuff.

This miykah he's my little gooties.

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Gooties - meaning

The excess fat around the stomach area. It can be hanging in the front, the side, or the back of a persons jeans. A gertle* is sometimes used to hold the gooty in.

Most people have a booty in the back right, say youre walking down the street and you look to your left and see a nice little booty but then they turn forward and you see the front gooty. It is hanging over their belt buckle.

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Gooties - definition

A male or female whose rear-end protrudes outwards as if it were a shelf to set objects upon. A β€œghetto booty.”

Damn. She got dat gooty.

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Gooties - slang

an exclamation of joy or something one would say when one see’s something of epic proportions.

louis: β€œGOOTY”

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To have a big Booty and a big Gut

DAMN!!! She's got a Gooty!

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Gay Cooties

"Awe man! Gage just touched me! Now I've got Gooties!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!"

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a clean butt hole

man that girl has a Gootie

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