Definder - what does the word mean?

What is girl's ASS?

Slap a tall girls ass but unless your a pussy compliment them it’s on October 23rd.

Hey tall girl, it’s slap a tall girls ass or compliment the ass day wanna slap my ass?

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girl's ASS - video


Girl's ASS - what is it?

It is not on April 7 and well it's actually not a holiday at all so lol

"Yo I'm a fukboy and want to slap an ass today"

"To bad there's No national slap girls ass day"

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What does "girl's ASS" mean?

It is not on April 7 and well it's actually not a holiday at all so lol

"Yo I'm a fukboy and want to slap an ass today"

"To bad there's No national slap girls ass day"

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Girl's ASS - what does it mean?

September 9th we smack the girls ass

Run up and just smack it and thats what grab girls ass day is

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Girl's ASS - meaning

On March the 17th all boys single or Taken should Slap a girls ass. If your taken then Slap your girls ass and see her reaction.

"Hey Jonny its March 17th you know what that means"
"Yes I do Max Slap girls ass day"

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Girl's ASS - definition

Most girls that are 5’8+ have a small, poorly shaped ass. Examples: Uma Thurman, Cameron Diaz

Did you seen Cameron Diaz’s ass in that new movie? Poor girl has tall girl ass, oh hell naw.

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Girl's ASS - slang

to have a down right big fat bouncy and sometimes nasty ass

"damn that white girl has a black girls ass!"

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Girl's ASS

When a male has an ass that is I'm the shape and size of a females ass

Babe I want to squeeze that girl ass all night long.

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Girl's ASS

The back side of a girl. It is used for spanking, humping, and twerking. Men find pleasure in the ass. it a great way to attract men.

Dude look at that girl's ass it's so big.

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Girl's ASS

The nectar of the gods

Damn look at that girls ASS

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