Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ginormal?

Big. Bigger than big.

"look at the size of that thing -
it's ginormous!"

👍109 👎49

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ginormal meme gif

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Ginormal - what is it?

Something that is really, really big.

As Buddy says in the movie "Elf," "Have you seen these toilets? They're GINORMOUS!"

👍171 👎81

What does "ginormal" mean?

a combination of gigantic and enormous. more than very large. immense.

That horse has a ginormous wang.

👍293 👎143

Ginormal - what does it mean?

A word used when "gigantic" or "huge" or eve "enormous" just isn't big enough.

Dude, that house is ginormous!

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Ginormal - meaning

Humorously outsized.

"...he's only five foot three, but he drives around in this ginormous car."

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Ginormal - definition

To be a mix between ginormus and gargantic.

person 1: Man that chick is ginormic!

person 2: Yeah, Amercians's are usually ginormic.

person 3: I blame McDonalds!

👍57 👎19

Ginormal - slang

1:Ginormously normal.
2: Something that is extremely average.
3: Something that is far from being out of ordinary.

It's been such a ginormal week. Nothing has happened!

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overly large. taken from the words "gigantic" and "enormous" to form "ginormous."

Kid 1: Gee, paw. That cow sure has a ginormous utter.

(i'm so sorry)

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Extremely large; bigger than giant and enormous

I have a Ginormous Penis.

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gigantic + enormous = ginorm(ous)

eww...omg did you see that ginorm ass?

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