Definder - what does the word mean?

What is giggle berry?

When you get a blow job and the girl sees you have a small penis and laughs while performing flatio.

She gave me the ol' Twiggle giggle berrys to me last night man, fuck her!

👍25 👎13

giggle berry - video


Giggle berry - what is it?

A man's dick and ballz.

Jane sucked on my twig and giggle berries and then I shot my load on her but-her-face.

👍49 👎39

What does "giggle berry" mean?

A term of endearment, especially towards a person of romantic and/or lustful interest.

Hey giggle berry, I love you.

👍55 👎33

Giggle berry - what does it mean?

Male reproductive storage sack..

Oh, that man just got kicked in his giggle berries..

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