Definder - what does the word mean?

What is get HEAD?

When someone rides a Honda and gets all the girls

You know what they say about Honda’s ride red get head

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get HEAD - video


Get HEAD - what is it?

April 27, National get head day might be the best day of the year. Get your girl friend, friend, fellow gang member, or even someone you have a thing with to give you head.

Boy: Hey it’s national head day
Girl: Oh ok

(Girl gets on knees and proceeds to give head)

(Girl finishes)

Boy: Wow thanks! Have a wonder National Get Head Day

Girl: Ya you too

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What does "get HEAD" mean?

When a guy gets a blowjob from a girl while he is driving.

That bitch was so horny. I was getting head in the whip all the way home from the bar.

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Get HEAD - what does it mean?

When your entire head is inside someone's ass until his ass hits your shoulders.

Guy #1:Hey, I heard you were getting head yesterday
Guy #2:Yeah, it was pretty delicious

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Get HEAD - meaning

When your entire head goes into someone's ass, until his ass hits your shoulders

Guy #1:Hey, I heard you were getting head yesterday
Guy #2:Yeah, it was pretty delicious

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Get HEAD - definition

getting head means getting a blowjob.

In the Cadet showers this morning, there were several guys getting head!

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Get HEAD - slang

Verb1: when someone sucks ur dick
Verb2: when someone eats ur pussy (or licks ur pussy and bites it

Hey babe I'm gonna be getting head

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mouthfucking aka the meaning to life

i was getting head and she started to bite

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A slang term used most often in adolescence, referring to the act of fellatio, or oral sex. It is the subservient act of orally stimulating the male sex organ. It is performed mainly with the lips, mouth and tongue, with which suction pressure is applied to the male organ. Once orgasm is achieved, the liberated semen is preferrably swallowed and/or licked from the male body.

"I love getting head, and my girlfriend loves giving it, because she loves the taste of semen and she's heard it's full of protein."

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v. To receive oral sex, ie. cunnilingus or a fellatio.

I got head from Kate last night.

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