Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gatoed?

(n.) a term used by napoleonic complexive men with stumpy dinosauresque arms and pin-sized domes when referring to a female relative. Be warned, these men will also try to use Spanglish in their everyday conversations with women in an attempt to seem hip, worldly and intelligent - it's all a pathetic farse.

"So ya, my sister's coming in to town today. Love that gato. Maybe we could meet up contigo for some enticing fish tacos."

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gatoed - meme gif

gatoed meme gif

gatoed - video


Gatoed - what is it?

(n.) a term used by napoleonic complexive men with stumpy dinosauresque arms and pin-sized domes when referring to a female relative. Be warned, these men will also try to use Spanglish in their everyday conversations with women in an attempt to seem hip, worldly and intelligent - it's all a pathetic farse.

"So ya, my sister's coming in to town today. Love that gato. Maybe we could meet up contigo for some enticing fish tacos."

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What does "gatoed" mean?

Spanish for cat. Best used by Martin Lawrence in Blue Streak.

Tengo un gato en mis pantalones = I have a cat in my pants.

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Gatoed - what does it mean?

montreal street name name for cigarette

Yo cro ta un gato?

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Gatoed - meaning

Gato is a Hispanic person nicknamed for his resemblance to a cat. He is attractive having a slim or fit body and colored eyes that are almost hypnotic. Gato has a wild personality and can be both introverted and outgoing when he pleases. His emotions affect his behaviour because he is a hot head and can't take jokes but his anger usually ends almost as soon as it began. He gets jealous when he doesnt get the attention he wants and can become sassy and petty or At worst try to fight somebody. At times he can be rather annoying or impulsive but it doesn't become a problem. He has a twisted and unusual sense of humor that can scare people away or confuse them. Gato can seem crazy or dumb but he is very deceptive, making you think he's one step back when He's really 3 steps ahead. Gato can also be popular for his lively attitude and charm, he's very adventurous and bold, but his rebelious ways can bring him trouble. As a friend he's very selective and keeps few friends but As a lover he is very loyal and selfless towards his sweetheart and completely devotes his life to her. Gato can be difficult to understand but he's overall a fun person to hang out with.

That's my homie Gato down there

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Gatoed - definition

Translated from spanish, literally just means "cat"

Gato: (in response) "mmeeeowww!!"

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Gatoed - slang

Spanish for 'cat'. At least in Argentina (can't speak for any other country) it is used:
1. For a female, meaning 'slut' or 'whore'.
2. Less commonly, males of a lower income (the "villeros") use it to call one another.

Mirรก, mirรก como saca culo! ยกQue gato! ("Look at her wriggling her butt! What a cat!")

"Que onda, gato?" ("What's up cat?")

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In Argentina, "gato" Is used to make a reference to people who is commanded for other people with more power. E.g. Mauricio Macri, formal president of Argentina is a "gato" because he is being commanded economical and financially by CEOs and Mafias leaders. Like Hector Magnetto the leader of "grupo Clarรญn" ones said to reference the presidential chair: minor position (puesto menor).

Mauricio Macri es un Gato.

Macri Gato

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When one consumes so much alcohol during a night of drinking that a second individual, must remove their alcoholic beverage from their possession and replace it with a bottle of Gatorade.

Dude you were so fucking gatoed last night

Man you were so trashed last night, I had to Gato you

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Cat in spanish...

Hola! Tengo un gato.

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