Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Clar?

the sister of stem-tar (awsome person), is tall and lengthy, and reminds a lot of people of a devilish hatch-ling.

really annoys people about the sport she plays, wrestling. she complains about how she cant eat (fucking quit u whiner)!!!!

resembles a retarded turtle, nickname for the name "clara"

stephen: hey john, have u seen clar-tar today???

John: oh you mean that retarded turtle hatch-ling thing??

stephen: yeah!!

john: shes over there complaining about how she cant eat cake......

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Clar - meme gif

Clar meme gif

Clar - video


Clar - what is it?

female, tall, and catlike

clar makes sounds like "keh, keh, keh"

👍51 👎19

What does "Clar" mean?

The act of getting disgustingly high grades in any tests or exams

Omg did you just do a clar? That's awesome. It must have felt really good.

👍67 👎25