Definder - what does the word mean?

What is focks?

A beautiful surname that is usually made fun of because of the resemblence of the word f*ck. Focke is pronounced fo-key

Jill- Hi Dan F*cke
Dan- Its Focke. Pronounced Fo-key

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focks - meme gif

focks meme gif

focks - video


Focks - what is it?

The way Arctic Monkeys pronounce the word "fuck."

"...Because she must be focking freezing..."

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What does "focks" mean?

when someone is fake shocked

Stephy says:

If only the Cinquecento came in a 1L version says:
you look shocked

If only the Cinquecento came in a 1L version says:
you can' be that surprised

Stephy says:
no im not

Stephy says:
im faking shocked... 'focked'

Stephy says:

If only the Cinquecento came in a 1L version says:
you're focked?

If only the Cinquecento came in a 1L version says:
you've focked yourself?

If only the Cinquecento came in a 1L version says:
i'm shocked

Stephy says:

Stephy says:
are you really shocked or just pretending?

If only the Cinquecento came in a 1L version says:
i don't know

Stephy says:
because if youre just pretending

Stephy says:
then you're focked too

Stephy says:

If only the Cinquecento came in a 1L version says:
are you saying you focked me?

Stephy says:

Stephy says:

Stephy says:
i believe so

If only the Cinquecento came in a 1L version says:
i didn't even notice

Stephy says:

Stephy says:
that needs to go in urban dicionary

If only the Cinquecento came in a 1L version says:
may already be there

Stephy says:
lol but not under the meaning 'fake shocked'

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Focks - what does it mean?

Swiss way of expressing the word fuck and all variations on the word in English.

Fockin Asshoole

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Focks - meaning

a substitute for the word 'fucking' which will not set off work place filters;

intensifier, very colloquial;

what took you so focking long?

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Focks - definition

It’s a way so say to someone that you want them to come closer

I just want you to just fock in.
I think you should fock in

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Focks - slang

The british way of saying "fuck."

1: 'Allo, old chap, 'ave you seen the bloody results of the football match?

2: Arsenal lost, I'm afraid.


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another way of saying fuck without being bleeped out on message boards.

Form of "fuck" used for emphasis when used as an adjective. The "O" apparently gets people's attention when they see it.

"I'm a fOckin badass"

"That's FOCKIN NUTZ MAN!!!!"

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Interchangable with 'Fuck', very common with West Midlands vowel sounds. Generally not used as a present tense verb ('let's fock' sounds too aggressive)

You fockin' what?
I'm focked! / Get focked!

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To prance slyly while having your mouth squeezed tightly so it looks like a cats arsehole

Focks it Up Dude , Focks it Up

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