Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fart dick?

Someone who smells like they came out of someone's dick;smells like piss or cum

Shut up you boner-biting dick-fart fuck-face

👍121 👎195

fart dick - video


Fart dick - what is it?

When your penis sneezes and you get jelly everywhere

I had a nasty dick fart the other day, blasted my entire room!

👍119 👎85

What does "fart dick" mean?

Literal Term!

"It was about as rare as a Dick Fart"

👍259 👎215

Fart dick - what does it mean?

Something that almost NEVER happens, but on occasion, due to a foreign object being stuck in one's pisshole, a gaseous release, similiar to that of a traditional fart, releases from one's penis.

Oh man, Harry! The other day I dick farted and it blew the water from the toilet right into my eye! Arrg! I'm a pirate!

👍495 👎233

Fart dick - meaning

A distinct activity in which the male scrotum acts as a secondary lung, assisting the body in the oxygen cycling process. As the sac inflates, the body achieves a moment in which it processes oxygen with %89 efficiency as opposed to the female breast sac that receives at 77%. Oxygen is drawn in through the lungs , then pushed to the sac. A secondary source of intake depends on each person. The anus acts as a third air duct that allows for oxygen to be taken in. As the sac deflates, residual oxygen forms bubble like crevices within the inner sac wall. Over time, these bubbles end up rising and following the path through the male penis, a bubble, causing a slight bit noticeable sound as if an infant had burped.

I always feel intense relief after a long winded dick fart

👍163 👎57

Fart dick - definition

A slang term for pneumaturia, the passage of air or "gas" in the urine. A colovesical fistula, in which the bowel communicates with the bladder, may cause "dick farts" in addition to recurrent urinary tract infections. A man with pneumaturia may describe having "bubbles" when voiding, or may simply recall farting through his penis.

"Dick farts may be a sign of underlying Crohn's disease."

"Perhaps the strangest symptom I've seen is the dick fart."

👍283 👎101

Fart dick - slang

Usually a male, ignorant retard, who is over confident and is a tool.

Justin Biber is a dick fart

👍527 👎179

Fart dick

noun: Penile flatulence (air or gas escaping from the penis through the urethra), a.k.a. a quofe (also spelled quof or quoaf).

NOTE: Dick farts or quofes are a rare phenomenon compared to queefs because it is much harder for air to become stuck in a man's urethra than in a woman's comparatively larger vagina. Quofes occur most frequently after a catheter has been inserted into the penis and removed, leaving air trapped in the bladder or urethra.

After Reginald's catheter was removed, he tried to take a piss, but ended up letting a dick fart at the same time and splattering urine everywhere.

👍1703 👎483

Fart dick

the act of holding back a fart and the backpressure of the gases get pushed back in and you get an erection.

i was tryna hold a fart back while kissing my girl and i got Fart Dick

👍25 👎11

Fart dick

1 n: A penis that has had wind broken upon it; almost explicitly meaning during anal sex

"Fuck, Gabby! Now I have a fart dick, I told you not to have chili today!"

👍111 👎67