Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fana?

A very silly or ridiculous girl.

“binkie binkie bo binkie banana fana fo stinky,

me mi mo minky,

“I can’t tell who's having a stroke here.”

“It’s us, both.”

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fana - meme gif

fana meme gif

fana - video


Fana - what is it?

The name of a song where you continually replace someone's name with rhymes and different syllables.

John, John, bo Bon, Banana fana fo Fohn. fe fai Joooohn!... ETC

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What does "fana" mean?

a diverse groupchat divided between 2 nearby schools, that consists of 9 members. there has been around 10 different groupchats made due to jokes / beef. this groupchat is very exclusive and only the wildest get into the groupchat. This groupchat has lots of history with pictures. some being sent some being exposed. It has got to the point where people are trying to make their own versions of FANA just to ride the wave. FANA for itself stands for a motto to live by, however the meaning is tightly guarded and only few know about the true meaning.

Rudy Gobert: Did y’all see what fana was up to last night?

CEO of Adidas: Yea i heard the walked to mcdonalds at 2:00 at night

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Fana - what does it mean?

Fana is an amazing person! She is very hot and so nice! She smart but forgetful and has lots of friends. Fana always seems happy but sometimes she can tire herself out. If you ever see Fana crying or upset, bother her. She may say go away or leave me alone but just sit next to her and talk. It may seem like she isn’t listing but she is. Let her head lean on your shoulder. Spend time with her. Also one more thing give her a nickname! If your a girl call her something that relates to her personality, if your a boy call her something like “Darling”. Fana loves nicknames! You are blessed to have a Fana in your life! You will never, never, never, find someone like her in this universe.

Boy 1: I met this really nice girl, her name is Fana. She is really hot too.
Boy 2: Really?! Usually people aren’t hot and pretty!
Boy 1: I know! She is amazing!
Boy 2: Introduce her to me!

👍43 👎17

Fana - meaning

1. A Spanish slang word (more specifically Cuban) that simply means dick cheese.

2. A word that can be used to describe something useless.

I didn't wash my schlong for a week and it ended up covered in fana.

My old N64 controller is all fucked up from Smash Bros. it's nothing but fana now.

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Fana - definition

A gorgeous, young individual with a great personality,long dark hair,and a hot body. She tends to be smart, straight forward and lot of people tend to like her.

boy 1: I met this girl the other day,she was amazingly kind and gorgeous.
boy 2: oh i don't meet to many fanas where I am from.

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