Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ex Box?

taking a poop inside a box then wrapping it up and giving it to your girlfriend as a means to break up

Example "I gave her an ex-box, i hope she wont be too upset"

👍25 👎11

ex Box - video


Ex Box - what is it?

When all of an ex's belongings in a person's possesion are being kept. Usually implies that person is not quite over the ex.

She's having a hard time with the break-up; it's been months and she still has the ex-in-the-box.

👍37 👎15

What does "ex Box" mean?

When one has sex with his girlfriend after they have been broken up, by pulling a full rotation (360) back to his ex-box.

"Man did you hear Bill and Jenn hooked up again?"
"Oh what? I thought they broke up a month ago."
"Yea, he pulled an ex-box 360."

👍41 👎25

Ex Box - what does it mean?

Otherwise referred to as an xbox. This name derives from many girls having lost thier partners to video gaming.

My ex used to play his xbox all the time, I got tired of fighting. Stupid EX box.

👍37 👎55

Ex Box - meaning

the resultant of an xbox dies (which happens a lot)

My ex-box got the red rings of death. FML.

👍29 👎13

Ex Box - definition

An ex-lover, of the female persuasion. A chick that you had carnal relations with but never a 'relationship'
Opposite of 'Playstation': someone you're currently recieving sexual enjoyment from

Tony: Damn, that girl you were talkin to was HOTT!! You hittin that?

Joey: Nah man, she's my ex-box.

Adam: Hey man, you still getting bootycalls from Jill?
Greg: Nah, she's so ex-box...Tina's my Playstation this week.

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Ex Box - slang

Nickname/slang for your ex-girlfriend, ex-flame, ex-f*buddy.

Person 1- "Yo, has anyone seen Steve??"
Person 2- "I think he is hanging with his Ex-box tonight"
Person 1- "Again ?!?! For f*ck sake..."

👍37 👎17

Ex Box

ex Box -- a former girlfriend, lover or woman with whom you you no longer have sex.

Yo, Jeremy, Jojo is looking good.

Dawg, don't matter to me. She's my eX Box. I am with Kiki now.

👍89 👎53

Ex Box

A box that contains the saved items of past girlfriends, i.e cards or anything they have given you that reminds you of them with the intent of going through it at later date to remember them.

Dude my girlfriend found my ex box in my closet; needless to say her stuff is now in it

👍61 👎23

Ex Box

An ex-girlfriend that was kept around only for sex.

Dave's ex-box was smokin hot, but she was such a total bitch.

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