Definder - what does the word mean?

What is eldridgeism?

A girl who is very sexy and kind all the boys want her she is the most amazing kisser ever and never turns down a party

wow did you just see ashley
ashley eldridge yea shes a babe

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eldridgeism - meme gif

eldridgeism meme gif

eldridgeism - video


Eldridgeism - what is it?

A right winged extremist who is pessimistic in every way and wants this country to be overtaken by an old senile man on the verge of death and Bush with a vagina (Failin' Palin).

I can't believe how much of an Eldridge Cleaver you are! You actually are against a man who is not at all corrupt and doesn't follow selfish republican ideals. You support a man involved in the Keating Five scandal and his running mate a woman who believes dinosaurs were alive 6000 years ago. I'm from fucking Alaska and I even hate her. You fucking noob. You fucking Eldridge Cleaver. Fuck you.

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What does "eldridgeism" mean?

a Real Ass Nigga thats gets fresh .

Girl : Whos that ?

Girl 2: Oh thats A Joseph Eldridge.

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Eldridgeism - what does it mean?

Cute and always have girls and friends and strong

I love Davion Eldridge

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Eldridgeism - meaning

The Eldridge curve refers to a man’s penis. The shaft of the genitalia has a significant bend or curve when erect. This is often a condition passed down between father and son and both will become known for very recognizable shaped penis. One may say when the Johnson had a heavy curve left it is the Eldrige Curve.

Woman 1: woah Dianne you are walked a little funny, today hat did James do to you last night.

Woman2: well you can just say he has the Eldridge curve!

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Eldridgeism - definition

The act of misspelling a word, or typing like shit.

"Fuck, I Eldridged again!"

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Eldridgeism - slang

Self Obsessed, morally corrupt,alien worshipping, psychotics who cannot function without drama. This also includes having a heightened sense of smell,sight,and hearing gifted to you by your alien gods.

After hanging out at courtney's for so long I noticed I caught the eldridgeism and started to complain about everything.

Dude you're acting like an asshole, you must be studying eldridgeism.

Stop opening your legs you eldridgizer.

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insanely stupid or retarded

Look a that guy! He's such an eldridge

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Eldridge is a goofy, yet quiet individual. Often a male, and very attractive. Eldridge is very smart and loves to play sports. Eldridge likes to be at home but also knows how to have fun. This individual is amazing and looks for a brianna in each girl he meets.

Eldridge is so smart and cute!

You must be an eldridge, youre very quiet

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One of the nicest people you can ever meet. He's very funny. He loves staying at home. He loves playing sports and he loves playing video games.

Eldridge is the love of my life.

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