Definder - what does the word mean?

What is easts's?

You probably wear curlers and a nightgown out on the town.

Damn, that chick is east.

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easts's - meme gif

easts's meme gif

easts's - video


Easts's - what is it?

A blood-line of cheaters. They'll make you fall in love with them, then they'll break your heart by sleeping with another person. Either blonde headed, or black headed, with green or brown eyes. They'll have large feet, and they'll cuss a lot. They're very whore-ish.

"I cant believe she cheated on him!"
"Yea, she is such an East."

"An East came in today asking for a pair of size 14 shoes!"

"That guy has the most beautiful green eyes, and striking black hair to complimetn his features."
"Yea, he's so East."

"Who did he cheat on you with?"
"That black haired, brown eyed witch, that EAST!!"

"She has five boyfriends, she is so East."

"He says a cuss word everytime he opens his mouth, he is so East."

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What does "easts's" mean?

emotional and suicidally tempted

I'm craving cigarettes. I'm east.

My ex-girlfriend had a baby. I'm east.

I'm going to drink a 12 pack at her big party by myself because I'm east.

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Easts's - what does it mean?

To describe something that is good.

Tom : Did you see Ovechkins goal last night?

Mike : Yeah, it was pretty east.

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Easts's - meaning

A typo version of the word "Easy"

It's so east to objectify people these days.

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Easts's - definition

Extreme AppleSauce Toss

EAST is simply a variation of table hockey played with an applesauce cup. {can also be played with a fruit cup but then it would be EFCT, not as cool} Members of opposite teams sit next to each other {eg. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2} around a round table. One hand, and one hand only, is used to pass/knock/move the applesauce cup back and forth amongst players. Goal: to keep the applesauce cup on the table. Points are earned when a player from one team is able to get the applesauce cup past a member of the opposite team, causing the cup to fall either in the person's lap or on the floor.

*lunch table is bored*
Guy 1: Hey Guys, wanna EAST?
All of Table: Sure!
*circles up*
*begins to play*
*Guy 1 knocks applesauce cup past team two member*
Guy 1: Score!!!

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Easts's - slang

The act of eating and feasting at the same time, only done by the talented, and experienced.

dude #1: lets make like some vikings on thanksgiving and east!
dude #2: fersure dude im up for some easting.

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When instead of going to work you call in sick, smoke a lot of marijuana and spend the day gorging yourself on Doritos and other assortments of junk food. Then when asked for a medical certificate from your employer you present them with one that is poorley authenticated.

I had planned to go to work today but my morning went east

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V. to murk or do sumething amazingly awsome. EASTED it, EASTING it

Flaco: ayy mike u wanna play black ops?
Mike: iight ill play
Zak & Asiel: damn flaco, dat boy mike is gunna EAST dat shit

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A nickname for the Sydney Roosters; one of the teams in the NRL competition.

This term was widely used before the 90's.

Best. NRL. Team. Ever.

Go the Mighty Easts!!

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