Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ear hustling?

to listen to another persons conversation intrusively and/or clandestinely, to eavesdrop

Don't ear hustle unless you want to get on his bad side.

👍43 👎19

ear hustling - video


Ear hustling - what is it?

When someone is overhearing another's conversation; usually intentionally

Jane, don't try ear-hustling when I talk to John about planning your suprise party!

👍55 👎19

What does "ear hustling" mean?

Listining to someone else's conversation to get some information.

I was at the store ear hustling and heard that Ruth is having James's baby not John's.

👍97 👎37

Ear hustling - what does it mean?

When someone is listen too another conversation that they are not involved.

Look at you over there ear hustling.

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Ear hustling - meaning

1. Earjacking Coming up on someone else's conversation. 2. Eavesdropping to learn something not intended for you.

Say, knock off that ear hustling 'fo you get knocked off!

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Ear hustling - definition

when a nosey person trys to listen to someone elses conversation.

Watch out for that girl in the chair she always trys to ear hustle our conversation.

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Ear hustling - slang

Meddlin, dipping into someone else's Kool Aid

I wasn't talking to you. Quit ear hustlin.

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Ear hustling

eaves dropping listening in on a conversation not of your own

HEy chica i will call you back this puto keeps ear hustling. all in my my mouth and convosation

👍57 👎33

Ear hustling

eavesdropping in jail, or for most people anywhere

oooohhh, you should of heard what i heard ear hustling today....

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Ear hustling

All up in somebody else's business without knowin the details.

I hate those gossipin' ass bitches down the block - always ear hustling in my mix and they don't even know the flava!

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