Definder - what does the word mean?

What is down voting?

What UrbanDictionary tells you when a definition is so shitty that you try to give it thumbs down twice.

What kind of idiot thinks that making out means the exact same thing as oral sex. Already voted down

👍55 👎23

down voting - video


Down voting - what is it?

I better get a fucking email from urban dictionary saying that this definition was NOT approved.

Down vote this NOW because I DON'T want to see a happy email from urban dictionary.

👍33 👎63

What does "down voting" mean?

When a slim marjority demands a vote because their opponent, just barely the minority, is stalling the vote. Used in the most extreme of polarizing issues, nearly exclusively.

The Democrats suck just as bad as the Republicans. Now that they have a slim majority they're pulling the same Up or Down Vote trick the Republicans tried when they were in charge.

👍47 👎53

Down voting - what does it mean?

Not approving a shitty definition on Urban Dictionary.

Man- This definition is terrible. And by terrible i mean it sends schockwaves of pain and hate throughout my entire being. If I could, I would somehow find the son of a bitch who wrote this definition, pull out his teeth one by one, rip off his fingernails, and drown him in a boiling vat of my piss, shit, and vomit.

Man 2- Dude, just Down Vote it.

Man- You know what, I can just live with doin that! But, to get my overwhelming thoughts of hate and malice off my mind, I'll just masturbate ferociously to pictures of myself.

👍145 👎611

Down voting - meaning

When you vote down on every submission but yours for a word you defined on UD that was already defined.

I made my own definition for Stephen Colbert so I started down voting every other submission.

👍79 👎87