Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dogman?

The act of flashing yourself or your teammates on CS:GO

That was a pro Dogman Flash.

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dogman - meme gif

dogman meme gif

dogman - video


Dogman - what is it?

The alias of NFL QB Michael Vick following his dogfighting investigation of 2007.

Yo you see Dogman get traded over to the Eagles? That nigga be running the city like a mayor.

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What does "dogman" mean?

A awesome comic series made by dav pikley,the same person who made Captain Underpants,It’s about a man who gets his dogs head sown on his body,It may sound crack head ish but yeah.So there’s probably like 8 or 7 books in the series.

Jerry:Did you read the newest dogman book?
William:Oh you mean the dogman book series,Yeah!
Jerry:I love dogman

William:me too!

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Dogman - what does it mean?

A man who shares personality traits with a dog

The Dogman was dogmatic about his feelings towards the subject

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Dogman - meaning

Dogman is a cryptozoological creature allegedly first reported in 1887 in Wexford County, Michigan. The creature is described as a seven-foot tall, blue-eyed, or amber-eyed bipedal canine-like animal with the torso of a man and a fearsome howl that sounds like a human scream. According to legends, the Michigan Dogman appears in a seven-year cycle.1 Sightings have been reported in several locations throughout Michigan, primarily in the northwestern quadrant of the Lower Peninsula. In 1987, the legend of the Michigan Dogman gained popularity when disc jockey Steve Cook at WTCM-FM recorded a song about the creature and its reported sightings.

OMFG theres the Dogman.... RUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dogman - definition

' is a noun expression that relates to love and care for dogs as our pets. it has similar connotation like 'Humanity" but i believe, dogmanity to some extent trades off with humanity. There are many people in the society very conscious and caring about pets, mostly the pet dogs but quite careless about humans likes neighbors, relatives and even the own parents.
one my friend asked me what is, being an immigrant from one of the least developed countries, view about humanity in the develop society. i answered, i see both humanity and 'Dogmanity ' equally prevalent in this society whereas the dogmanity is almost absent from the society i came from.

Shy are you hitting your dog do you have any dogmanity in you

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Dogman - slang

Also known as student named Chris Kelly; has an unhealthy obsession with dog people. Should be avoided when possible. Use dog whistle when all attempts to subdue the dogman fails.

That dogman is an asshole.

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A member of {GOB} who has a hot mom.

Dogman's mom is so hot!

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A person who is not yet a man, not yet a dog. The combination of a jackass and an idiot...

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A creature from Stanley Kubrick's The Shining. It appears to be a man in a dog suit seen with an old man inside a hotel room. The old man's name is Horace Derwent, the former owner of the Overlook Hotel. Though his name is not mentioned in the movie, it is in the book of the same name. The dogman's real name is never brought up.

The dogman is the scariest thing I've ever seen!

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