Definder - what does the word mean?

What is deec?

Abbreviation for "Decent": cool; awesome

Wow dude, deece jacket!

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deec meme gif

deec - video


Deec - what is it?

As in decent/not too bad.

That drink was half deece.

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What does "deec" mean?

The buffet style dining hall of Vassar college that everyone has a love-hate relationship with.

I just had lunch at the Deece because I'm out of Retreat points. My omelette was nasty and now I have a tummy ache and I have to run across campus to class.

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Deec - what does it mean?

abreviation of decent

well, guys, that movie was deece, but i really liked the hot chick in the begining.

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Deec - meaning

Comes from the word decent. Usually ambiguous as to what the correct context is, seemingly anything can be deece. Deece is a fringe word, only used and understood by a few people and to everyone else its a source of cunfusion.

Guy 1: Have you heard my new dance mix? I think its pretty deece!

Guy 2: Dude stop saying that! I don't know what it means and it'll never catch on!

Guy 1: That is soooooo not deece

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Deec - definition

a slang word for something that you like or appreciate.

Use of the word is similar to the words "cool" or "excellent" and it comes from the root word "decent".

An alternate spelling is dece, but the spelling with the extra "e" in deece is typically used to reflect a higher degree of satisfaction. In this form it is pronounced with an extended center long ee sound.

Friend1: "I was playing a round of
disc golf yesterday and I aced hole 9."

Friend2: "deece!"

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Deec - slang

Something that excites.

Gina's tits are real deece.

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slang word for decent

also means nice, good, ill , sweet

y"o thats a deec girl your with"

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A slang term for decent

That was pretty deec

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Short for decent, used in place of good, nice, sweet, cool etc. Also used with extra e's for emphases on a higher degree of deec.

"Gotta Peace Stay Deec"
"I got tickets to a Blink-182 show" "That's pretty deec"
"I got tickets to a Taking Back Sunday show" "Deeeec dude!"

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