Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cyberfucked?

A Sci-Fi concept rap album by Vik Shade

Have you heard Cyberfucked? It's a dope album.

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cyberfucked - video


Cyberfucked - what is it?

The act of having sex within a Tesla cybertruck

Daddy bought the new model, can’t wait to cyberfuck in the backseat

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What does "cyberfucked" mean?

When you've been using the internet/videogames non stop for hours on end and your/ someone else's head starts to hurt.

Devan: Wanna play some Fortnite or watch some Plant Vids
Victoria: Nah dude I'm cyberfucked I think I'm gonna lay down

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Cyberfucked - what does it mean?

When your game Glitches or bugs out.

Man this game is so glitchy, I'm getting Cyberfucked

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Cyberfucked - meaning

When someone has an internet relationship with a person they have never met in real life.

I got pissed when I caught my wife cyberfucking a dork from Albuquerque she met on MySpace

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Cyberfucked - definition

When there is a glitch happening in a videogame that looks out of place.

What is that car doing to that truck?

They are bouncing up and down inside of each other.
We are getting cyberfucked. *walks away in GTA RP*

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