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What is cum bag?

An old Scottish person of whomst N U T S while eating his favorite meal

Hey Cum Bag Haggis, can I have some?

👍25 👎11

cum bag - video


Cum bag - what is it?

a word which has a higher degree of offended reactions then being called a scum bag.

Barneys a perverted Cum bag for forcing kids to sexually act in his show.

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What does "cum bag" mean?

When somebody is a cum bag


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Cum bag - what does it mean?

Cum bag

Cum bag

👍27 👎11

Cum bag - meaning

Someone who makes dumbass comments about shit they dont know anything about; the thing you call someone when your mind is so flustered that you scream the first atrocious thing that comes to mind.

I was so pissed I just didnt know what to say, "Jimmy, stop being such a filthy cum-guzzling cunt bag!"

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Cum bag - definition

a faggot that is used as a cum rag

damn shes a fag bag cum rag

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Cum bag - slang

when you are getting a hand job and you have no where to finish except for a zip lock baggy and you fill it up

hey Joe i have two cum bags in my car from last night!

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Cum bag

a slut who fucks all the guys in school, then the next day is saying shes pregnet.

valerie is always cum bagging niggas at booker t.

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Cum bag

A condom or rubber may be referred to as a cum bag.

She looked a little slutty, so he wouldn't do her without using a cumbag.


They had safe sex, and afterward he flushed the used cum bag down the toilet.

👍163 👎63

Cum bag

a girl who has far to much sex resulting in her being full of seman!

I bet that dirt bird had sex last night!
yeah shes a total cum bag!

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