Definder - what does the word mean?

What is creol?

Language spoken in Mauritius, its also known as 'broken french' or pidgin french.

Creole: Si la mer ti a bwi, pwason ti a kwi
English: (If the sea was boiling, the fish would cook)

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Creol - what is it?

a unique kind of people that are of european and african descent,that usually come from Louisiana or Haitia

Beyonce is a very beautiful Creole woman

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What does "creol" mean?

a race with black and french mixed together.

I am creole
That guy is hot, he must be creole.

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Creol - what does it mean?

from Sp. criollo "person native to a locality," from Port. crioulo, dim. of cria "person (especially a servant) raised in one's house," from criar "to raise or bring up," from L. creare "to produce, create." The exact sense varies with local use. ORIGINALLY with no connotation of color or race

1. a person born in the West Indies or Spanish America but of European, usually Spanish, ancestry.
2. a person born in Louisiana but of usually French ancestry.
3. (sometimes lowercase) a person of mixed black and European, esp. French or Spanish, ancestry who speaks a creolized form of French or Spanish.
4. (usually lowercase) a creolized language; a pidgin that has become the native language of a speech community.
5. the creolized French language of the descendants of the original settlers of Louisiana. Cajun
6. Haitian Creole.
7. a black person born in the New World, as distinguished from one brought there from Africa. –adjective
8. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a Creole or Creoles.
9. a spicy sauce or dish made esp. with tomatoes, peppers, onions, celery, and seasonings, and often served with rice.
10. bred or growing in a country, but of foreign origin, as an animal or plant.

BeyoncΓ© just HAD to write a song about her being part Creole, not just "regular black" if the world didn't know this about her already. Apparently she credits her beauty on this fact.

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Creol - meaning

Creoles are people mixed with four ethnicities or more. Creoles come from all over the world, most famously New Orleans, Haiti and Mauritius. Creoles are also in Jamaica or Britain. The term is used differently by different people. The term 'creole' does not define social-class. Creoles come in all skin tone shades.

Damn! Why are we so hot ?! Oh, it's cos we are Creoles!

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Creol - definition

One of Haiti's second official language besides French... Unlike some people that uses as a skin complexion for residents from the south (louisiana etc.) Creole can be related as well to food, culture, religion

creole food,
creole language (mixed of french/spanish and african dialectes) mostly spoken in Haiti and other French Carribean Islands..

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Creol - slang

Louisiana Creole refers to native born people of various racial descent who are descended from the Colonial French and/or Spanish settlers of Colonial French Louisiana, before it became part of the United States in 1803 with the Louisiana Purchase with claim to the Creole culture and Creole cuisine. The commonly accepted definition today is for the community whose members are a mixture of mainly French, Spanish, African, and Native-American heritage. Some may not have each ethnic heritage, and some may have additional ancestries. Contrary to popular belief, a Creole does not exclusively pertain to a person of African and European: French or Spanish descent.

I am full French Creole , Creole is my first language .

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a person or persons of varied afro-anglo-french-spanish ancestry residing in louisiana.

the art, food, language, music, and history of creole people.

french/spanish language and culture unique to louisiana.

from the spanish criollo, meaning 'a local'.

creole music rocks.

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(Louisana Creole) One of the most interesting yet little known cultures that America has ever known! We have a mixture of Black, French, Spanish, and Native American and have ancestors from Louisiana. You won't find any American food that tastes better!

Beyonce, dang she's the only famous Creole isn't she?

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Louisiana Creole refers to native born people of various racial descent who are descended from the Colonial French and/or Spanish settlers of Colonial French Louisiana, before it became part of the United States in 1803 with the Louisiana Purchase with claim to the Creole culture and Creole cuisine. The commonly accepted definition today is for the community whose members are a mixture of mainly French, Spanish, African, and Native-American heritage. Some may not have each ethnic heritage, and some may have additional ancestries. Contrary to popular belief, a Creole does not exclusively pertain to a person of African and European: French or Spanish descent.

Historically, Creole was used in early generations to refer to colonists of French descent who had been born in Louisiana and were thus native to the territory, compared to new immigrants. It then meant exclusively people of European descent. It also was used for black slaves who were born in Louisiana as opposed to those born in West Africa and transported from there. French Creole became the term for those of exclusively French descent after there grew a Creole population of mixed ancestry. Many multiracial Creoles of French descent also call themselves French Creole.

People of relatively pure African-American, French or Spanish descent who have family roots in Louisiana and were raised under the Creole culture also have called themselves Creole. Today Louisiana Creole has come to mean those people of mixed ancestry.

I Am Creole , Creole Is My First Language : Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez (Rouler) .

Translation: Let The Good Times Roll :)

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