Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cowlicker?

Hiding your obvious erection with your phone and a bag of crisps when returning to the office

As I daydreamed about a previous sexual encounter, I had to do a cowlicker to hide my embarrassment from my colleagues in the office

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cowlicker - meme gif

cowlicker meme gif

cowlicker - video


Cowlicker - what is it?

Emo kids usually. Very thick hair, with obese heads; also known as emo sweep looking as if a cow licked their big ass domes. actually known as robdizzle NIGGA.

"wheres cowlick?"
"home, as usual, sitting infront of his computer waiting for someone to i.m him."

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What does "cowlicker" mean?

What you get when your jizz gets out of control

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Cowlicker - what does it mean?

A big faggot with a piece of hair hanging in the middle of his forehead, looking like a cow literally licked it into that position

Cole is a huge cowlick bitch

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Cowlicker - meaning

Fisting a girl to the point you need to pull your hand out and smear their own juices across the face.

that freak from the bar told me to keep going bigger. so i shoved my hand in her twat and cowlicked across the nose.

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Cowlicker - definition

People who become monsters often had a cowlick as a kid. Charles Manson had a cowlick as a kid.

That kid with the cowlick looked a lot like you.

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Cowlicker - slang

When you cut off his dick right before he comes and place it on your head.

Can we cowlick tonight?

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The effect of having a patch of one's hair stick upwards as if licked by a cow. In other words, a localized form of "beadhead".

In the movie 'There's Something About Mary' when the main female character styles her bangs straight upwards using semen. However, not all cowlicks are caused by spunk.

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Country folk

Damn, that farmer is definitely a cowlicker

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one who licks the anal opening of a large cow. intended for some sick, redneck pleasure.


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