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What is copley's?

The incredible burst of speed the Greenline T makes in Boston between Hynes Convention Center, Copley, and Arlington.

These 3 stops make almost a perfect straight line where as the rest of the greenline needs its street cars for street service and twisted old tunnels.

When there is not a lot of line traffic, drivers are given the go ahead to put the pedal to the metal. It doesnt happen often but boy is it a thrill feeling those big green caterpillars open up down there. During heavy delays, or a broken signal at Copley could delay you up to 20 minutes.

The fastest I've ever recorded was just around 5 minutes to go from Hynes station to Arlington. That's when I decided to pay homage to the Kessel Run and thus born was the Copley Run.

Man I thought I'd miss the start of the Sox game but we made the Copley Run in 5 minutes.

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copley's - meme gif

copley's meme gif

copley's - video


Copley's - what is it?

The REAL Luke Copley is a Former President of Theta Chi. He is an inspirational leader to many students, and his fellow brotherhood. Luke is the kind of guy that will be there when you need him to, he is kind and will go out of his way to help a friend. He went out of his way to help me, even with a small gesture he is just that kind of guy! He is a true gentleman, and an intellegent handsome man. He gives the best hugs and is someone you can enjoy spending time with if he has time. He is a motivated in everything he does, even though he is frequently busy. He is a military construction Engineer soon to be Officer! I hope someday Luke will achieve his dreams, and become a surgeon or whatever he decides because he is an amazing person, and deserves the best. When luke walks in the room his smile, with those dimples, and amiable personality will just make your day. I dont know what it is about Luke but he is aweome. ~

I am thankful to be able to spend time with a great man such as Luke Copley * , and hope he can be a good friend.

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What does "copley's" mean?

Dude from Canada. Read lots of books while crippled.

IF u wanna break yo' leg- PULL A PHIL TO THE COPLEY!

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Copley's - what does it mean?

Former president of Theta Chi until he had to resign because he became the biggest boost at Grand Valley and is also known as the worst Fortnite player in the world.

Luke Copley=Beta

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Copley's - meaning

a cunt

"Wow, he's a real bailey copley"

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Copley's - definition

A complete retard at call of duty

Dude, you're such a copley!

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Copley's - slang

One of the biggest, most well known people in Ocala. He's huge and noticed everywhere except parties. Though when he does appear at parties he parties hard.


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A synonym for mistake or boot.

"Man, you really copley'd that shit up"

"That guy who just hit the fleet is such a Copley"

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A person who seems to make a habit of contracting STI's.

Matty "Dude I got with Milly yesterday"

Darren "Man you're such a copley"

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a euphemism for an alcohol drink

I drank a few too many copley's the other night and now my head hurts.

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