Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cold-cocked?

the act of destroying someones mental psychee by intentionally disregarding a joke/statement/funny comment; this involves ridiculing and shaming, as well as a potential loss of friendship

Hey Garrett, you just got fuckin' cold cocked...go rape a girl why don't you?

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cold-cocked - meme gif

cold-cocked meme gif

cold-cocked - video


Cold-cocked - what is it?

During sex the woman punches the man in the face just before he cums to postpone climax and keep the action going.

Last night my boy was about to bust but I wasn't done yet so I cold cocked him.

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What does "cold-cocked" mean?

The act of putting your clock or penis in the refrigerator then slapping your girlfriend in the face with it.

Ordin said he was going to get something to drink from the fridge and came back and cold-cocked me.

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Cold-cocked - what does it mean?

Sending girls unrequested dick picks. Similar to cold-calling someone.

OMG, I can't believe Ryan just cold cocked me. I've never even been on a date with him!!

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Cold-cocked - meaning

The act of slapping some one with a limp "Cock".
Most commonly in the Face.

"...And he whacks it (jumpsuit) open and....Have you ever heard of Cold Cocking someone?" Laughter "He got him right in the face! BOOM! Whoa!" ~James Edward Olmos Recollecting the antics from the Set of Battlestar Galactica

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Cold-cocked - definition

When you suddenly realize the dildo is not sufficiently warmed.

hey honey, make sure you warm our little friend this time, I don't want to get cold cocked again!

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Cold-cocked - slang

1. The act of putting someone's "member in a block of ice and then smashing it," a fighting technique developed by the Eskimo people. -Bill Hader in Documentary Now

2. The act of sucker-punching someone with great force, usually knocking them out.

"The Eskimos are a wily lot. Though they were smaller than him they clobbered him. They ended up shoving snow up his butt and cold cocking him." -Bill Hader in Documentary Now

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To knock someone unconscious.

"When Bill and I fight, I'm totally gonna cold-cock that guy".

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The act of being sucker punched by someone.

I left the bar around 4 am and when I staggered around the corner into the alley this guy cold cocked me with a punch to the face. I never saw it coming.

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The act of punching or striking someone's face or head so hard, they are knocked out instantly.

Dude! Greg was in this wicked bar fight, and he got totally cold cocked by a biker!

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