Definder - what does the word mean?

What is chunni?

(chunky-hunny), a chubby, or fat, girl that thinks she looks fine or just about irresistible when in reality she is far from it, (can be applied to any girl)

"i can't believe that chunny tired to talk to me,"
"man i damn near smacked the fuck out that chunny when she told me she was pregnant,"
"hell nah i ain't fucked that chunny girl...why would i cheat on you? with THAT!?!"
"that chunny thinks she's cool"

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chunni - meme gif

chunni meme gif

chunni - video


Chunni - what is it?

Usually short for Charles. Good looking, funny, popular, and smart.

Chunny: Swag

👍51 👎41

What does "chunni" mean?

Cute , Hot and Funny !

OMG ! That Guy Is Sooooooooo Chunny !

👍105 👎81

Chunni - what does it mean?

females, females vagina

lets go to that pub, their is heaps of chunny there

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Chunni - meaning

A Cock is called a Chunni in the language Tamil (India).

Example :

1.Dae Un vayile yen Chunni.
(My Cock in your mouth).
2.Poda potte Chunni.
(Go away nasty cock).
3.Un Soothule yen Chunni.
(My cock in your ass).

👍45 👎21

Chunni - definition

Fiji Hindi word for penis, esp. uncircumcised.

Huma chunni choose ga?

Gor failae ke nai baitho, tuma chunni dekhawe.

Sala roj apan chunni se khele.

Chunni ke dood nikal ge.

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Chunni - slang

anything and everything having to do with partying super hard, and getting straight geeked up. (Universal word) created by Sam Gallitz & Ben Dosman 2009

Damn homie im getting straight chunny tonight

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To vomit

I'm so ill, I'm gonna chunny.
Last night I came home so drunk, that I just about chunnied.

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The Chinese Cunny

"The Chinese Cunny: The Chunny Kisaki has broken my mind, soul, and heart. She has full control of me."

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fijian indian swear word for DICK

sala ke chunni dekho !

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