Definder - what does the word mean?

What is chuffinator?

Chuffins are gifts you give to people you don't like, sort of like death cookies and poison-berry muffins.

UserNameWithNumbers2517: ur such a fag man go eat some chuffins
ChUfFiNeAtEr: ThAnKs DuDe!111111

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chuffinator - video


Chuffinator - what is it?

Scottish term for smoking a cigarette.

aye ah seen him chuffin a snout at the bikesheds
Aye aht cunts always chuffin snout

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What does "chuffinator" mean?

A slang phrase with a similar meaning to "bloody hell" or the even more offensive "fucking hell", albeit milder and less forceful.

Originates from Yorkshire.

P1: That bun'll cost you four quid.
P2: Chuffin 'eck! I ain't payin' that!

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Chuffinator - what does it mean?

a super hairy chest. A chest muffin.

Brandon has a magnificent chuffin!

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Chuffinator - meaning

Chicken slathered in barbeque sauce and baked in a muffin pan.

Some recipes maintain the use of dough to encase shredded chicken.

Any recipe is acceptable as long as the concept remains intact.

You want some chicken?
You want a muffin?
How about a chuffin?

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Chuffinator - definition

Moving around quickly

Are you chuffin?

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Chuffinator - slang

Chuffinator- From the root, to chuff. Chuff , to voraciously seek out sexual partners of any orientation for a quick thrill between the sheets. Chuffinator, usually a female, who is supremely successful at chuffing, any time, any place.

" Look Hiram, it's 3 AM . This dive is about to close. The blonde chuffinator is on the prowl, looking for whoever is so snockered they can't see straight or stand anymore. "

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Chocolate Muffin.

I want a really big Chuffin.

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Area between your crotch and leg.

I chaffed my chuffin.

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To mean good, great, like flipin eck, life is good!!

chuffin lovley! chuffin eck! (as in heck!)

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