Definder - what does the word mean?

What is chili’s?

Chili is a word with a wide range of uses that may refer to a person, situation, or object in a generally negative context. Something its self may infact be chili, or it can be used as an action as in chillied or to chili. As long as it kindof sucks in some form or another it can be chili.

Dude, you totally just chillied that drive into to woods.
Everyone is camping in this loby, lets back out its too chili anyways.
This car isnt running very well, its all chili.
My buddy just chillied out on me, so we not going to make it now.
Dude, my phone is wicked slow out here, I think the internet is all chili.

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chili’s - meme gif

chili’s meme gif

chili’s - video


Chili’s - what is it?

the best there ever was & ever will be. "sexy" "cool" person.
great acting skills & has the best friends. super hott and smooth ;) usually surrounded by girls named Janelle, Abby, & Cynthia

"i wanna be as hot a Chili"

"chili makes everything better"

"when i grow uo im going to be Chili!"

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What does "chili’s" mean?

a hot ass female from weatherford; answers to the name chili.

hey you seen chili around lately

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Chili’s - what does it mean?

A stew.

Have you heard of that food called chili?

Yes, friend, of course I am aware of that type of stew.

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Chili’s - meaning

Contraction, see red hot chili peppers

Let's listen to the chilis.

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Chili’s - definition

very likely the greatest restuarant of all time

a tex-mex style resturant, home of the famous baby back ribs (which Fat Bastard comments on in Austin Powers 2) and the monterey chicken

a piece of Heaven

"CHILI'S baby back ribs...barbecue sauce"

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Chili’s - slang

A generally spicy soup which contains at least the minimum of chili powder and kidney beans. Beef is also another common ingredient. It's damn tasty with cheese and saltine crackers.

It was snowy and cold out, so I picked up some Chili-O and stuff to make chili when I get home.

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A ship consisting the characters Childe and Zhongli from the popular RPG game Genshin Impact.

“Who’s that as your wallpaper?”

It’s none other than Chili!”

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the origin and birth place of a glorious vine

"hi, welcome to chili's"

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Heaven on Earth. A place that only the holiest of humans (and some dogs) are allowed where the greats dine on only the finest delicicies and chicken tenders

“Hey Timmy, you want to eat at Chili’s tonight? I sure could go for a triple dipper!”

“Damn I would but I forgot to pack my tuxedo

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