Definder - what does the word mean?

What is chiggling?

Chiggle is a chat and giggle with friends, usually on a mobile or over coffee.

For example, Tina met up with her friends for a chiggle over coffee..

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chiggling - video


Chiggling - what is it?

Common country slang for money, cash, or income.

1. I really hate my job, but the chiggle sure is great.

2. I love my job, but it doesn't pay chiggle.

3. I would have chipped in for dinner, but I don't have chiggle.

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What does "chiggling" mean?

A cross between getting a chill and wiggling because your cold. Often accompanied by goosebumps.

I have chiggles because it's so cold outside.

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Chiggling - what does it mean?

cross between a chuckle and a giggle

I chiggled at his joke.

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Chiggling - meaning

mix of a chinese and a blick couple

Damn look at that chiggl over there

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Chiggling - definition

to play with in a naughty way

1. Scott chiggled Andrea last night behind the bleachers.

2. "I chiggle salmon all the time!" exclaimed Andrew.

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Chiggling - slang

An extremely insensitive slur for someone of Turkish descent.

Damn Chiggles are ruining this country

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between a chuckle and a giggle

I had the chiggles when.....

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to giggle and chuckle at the same time.

when i read that stupid definition under mine, i chiggled for a long time.

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A sudden and boisterous chuckle followed by uncontrollable giggling, often resulting in temporary loss of breath.

The moment I realized I was waving back at a person whom was not actually waving at me, I could not stop chiggling to the point that I got dizzy!

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