Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cheny?

a crazy cyco person who shoots his friends he also a rightwing nut job

dont be a dick cheny

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cheny - meme gif

cheny meme gif

cheny - video


Cheny - what is it?

A man who likes getting fucked by devil goats.

"Oh jesus this devil goats dick in my ass really makes me feel like Dick Cheny!"

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What does "cheny" mean?

Chinese Penis

"That Asian man had a very small Chenis"

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Cheny - what does it mean?

A small Asian man who only thinks with his penis. A source of common derision

For fucks sake Chenis!

You made a right chenis of that!

Give them a good chenising

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Cheny - meaning

Fat nigga on his way to eat Cheetos

Cheni is fat

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Cheny - definition

Cheni’s are the funniest people ever. They are loud, cute , funny etc . Cheni’s make your day better , they are very pretty , you just wanna hug them ALL THE DAMN TIME. Cheni’s are lovely people and are the best people to go to when you are sad for they will truly turn that frown upside down with their jokes. They also make the best friends

*everyone is laughing*

β€œCheni is soo funnyβ€πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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Cheny - slang

A male sexual organ, the penis, that is crafted from cheese.

My, Caruthers, what a large chenis that is over there!

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People with the name Cheni are the funniest people. They are the people you must go to when you are sad. They are always making jokes and ALWAYS LAUGHING. They have many good quailities such as caring, nice (sometimes) , pretty and very funny . They make good friends . So go get yourself a Cheni!!

Cheni is so funny🀣🀣

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Chenie Is A Sexy,Fit Girl She Allways Gets People On Her And Shes Very Attractive She Has Loads Of Friends She Has The Most Buffest Trainers

Chenie Plays Hard To Get And Shes Sooo Cute

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A fleshy foot and a half penis shaped extension surgically added to your chin.

The drum major had to order a special chin strap to accomodate his sweet chenis.

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