Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cheetle?

Cheetle, a cheetle is someone who eats cheetos... a lot! Because of this, cheetle's often leave behind orange finger prints. This is an important note to make because cheetle's... often are to blame for many things. These things include, but are not limited to, the following: Rug stains, emotional discomfort, murders, strokes, heart attacks, breaking flower pots, bribing street performers, and general day to day discomforts.
So, considering how many things cheetle's are to blame for... you can imagine why it is nice that they always leave behind orange finger prints.

1. Man! I had a really bad day! All kinds of things went wrong! And there were a ton of just plain odd occurrences...

2. Blame it on the cheetle.

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cheetle - meme gif

cheetle meme gif

cheetle - video


Cheetle - what is it?

The act of fingering a girl with Cheeto residue (aka cheetle) on your fingers.

We were cheetling last night and now she has a UTI.

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What does "cheetle" mean?

Cheeto dust

Cheetle on my fingers.

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Cheetle - what does it mean?

The orange residue that results from Cheetos and similar snacks (i.e. Dorriotos)

Stay away from my computer, you've got cheetle all over your fingers.

Tommy came over Sean's and touched his white mac book after eating Cheetos, getting cheetle all over the keyboard

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Cheetle - meaning

The residue left on your fingers after consuming a bag of Cheetos.

I hate when people take your papers and get cheetle all over them!

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Cheetle - definition

Having large amounts of Cheeto residue on ones fingers.

My wife yelled at me for eating all the snacks so I smacked her and left cheetle all over her face.

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Cheetle - slang

The crumbs, dust, or other remnants of Cheetos, or a similar cheese flavored snack, such as Doritos.

I could tell Jon has been eating my Cheetos again, because there are cheetles on his hand.

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the orange powdered cheese that sticks on one's fingers after consuming foods such as doritos or cheez doodles.

"oh man, i just ate doritos! look at all the cheetle on my hands! better wipe them on my pants!"

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the orange, powdery residue left on your fingers after eating Cheetos

Crap. Quit touching my stuff, and put down that bag of Cheetos, for Christ's sake. You should know by now that cheetle doesn't come out of silk.

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