Definder - what does the word mean?

What is brokie?

When you hella broke

Person 1: You got money for McDonald’s

Person 2: Nah bro. I’m brokies no jokies

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Brokie - what is it?

Someone who spends on expensive stuff leaving them with no money.

"I spent all my money on some hype shit, now I'm a brokie."

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What does "brokie" mean?

An abbreviation for "okay bro". Originated in Kingston, NY

"Yo bro can you get me those fresh kicks"

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Brokie - what does it mean?

Liam Is A brokie he is more broke than a homeless person

Brokie someone that is broke does not have a lot of money like Liam

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Brokie - meaning

(spoken: broki), is a joke-spelling word for friends who have never money.

Homie: Bro, can you pay this time, IΒ΄m broke again.
Me: Yah, man. Why are you a broky?
Homie: don' know.

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Brokie - definition

In Puerto Rican Spanish β€” derived from bro (brother): an informal way of calling a pal.

DΓ­melo broki, ΒΏquΓ© es la que hay?

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Brokie - slang

A brokie is someone who have less money than Andrew Tate, the Top G (worth 100Million $)

"Its so easy to get rich if you're not lazy, stupid or arrogant"
Don't be a brokie"

Andrew Tate (Top G)

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A brokie is known as someone who begs for promo codes and free money or gambling sites. A brokie is not usually broke, they just want scummy money

"Ay bro drop the code" - Brokie
"Bro you are such a brokie"

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A fan of the movie "Brokeback Mountain"

Now the Brokies of Hollywood are outing themselves. And no, you dont have to be gay to be one either.

β€œBrokies,” as we call ourselves, have a shared interest – Brokeback Mountain – and a sense of connection. However, it’s much more than being a bunch of movie fans. Brokeback Mountain has fostered a strong sense of community because of its impact on our lives.

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Someone who is broke.

Sarah: "Girl I had no change, I had to walk home like a brokie."
Denise: "That sucks!"

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