Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bribery?

These are the types of snacks you have probably experienced or at least seen once in your life, and they are basically defined by the name. In other words, these are snacks that you see at a booth or a stand belonging to a company. Not to be confused with free samples (though it's a little similar), these are not snacks from the company but things such as brownies/cookies, typical Halloween candy, chips, and generic unhealthy food. These are all things that a company does at those stands to remind you of them as you eat the bribery snack. Though of course you'll take it because it's free (even if you'll have to listen to the people at the stand talking and you nodding your head even though you have no idea what they are talking about). If you still don't understand this, please read about free samples.

Man 1: So how was your day at the mall yesterday?
Man 2: Didn't really buy anything but I got some bribery snacks.
Man 1: Sick! Got any you can share with me?

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bribery - meme gif

bribery meme gif

bribery - video

Bribery - what is it?

A lawyer who takes bribes on serious cases and asks for the judge to drop the charges.

This bribery lawyer has been known for working with politicians and other corrupted officials.

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What does "bribery" mean?

Promising sexual pleasure for personal gain.

You're using penis bribery to go on this trip.

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Bribery - what does it mean?

in times of bradvoidence a bribery offer is neccessary to intervene in group sessions. offers include food, entertainment, or various forms of contraband. items are consumed although known to leave a bitter taste

Noid - quick turn out the light its bradvoidence!
*door opens*
*foug enters*
foug - come on in brad
brad - I brought chocolates
Noid - hits unpause on nhl and shakes head

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Bribery - meaning

1. Campaign contributions to influence policy (quid quo pro)
2. So-called "Dark Money" campaign contributions
3. All the above that a politician does not report in violation of campaign finance laws

Attributed to Cenk Uygur, host and founder of the progressive media group, The Young Turks.

America politics is all about legalized bribery buy big business interests now.

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Bribery - definition

A clichรฉ method, but can go a long way if done correctly.

"Bribery can go a long way if done correctly."

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Bribery - slang

When I man or women tries to offer sex for a free pass on a crime.

Women: So officer, is there anyway we can just forget this ever happened? You can do whatever you want to me.

Police Officer: Bribery is not going to work. Maโ€™am, you just drove your car into a childrenโ€™s hospital and threw a flash bang into the epileptic childrenโ€™s ward.

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