Definder - what does the word mean?

What is blondering?

Typically when a blonde is wondering around confused

Have u been blondering lately

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Blondering - what is it?

When someone acts more blonde then another.

Bradyn: you’re acting blonde
Ashley: you’re acting blonder

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What does "blondering" mean?

Dumber than even the dumbest blonde, an empty headed idiot with dyed blonde hair.

'I thought she was dumb,but she's blonder than Barbie

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Blondering - what does it mean?

Someone who enjoys the aroma of his own urine after the consumption of asparagus.

Dude, you're such a blonder!

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Blondering - meaning

being more blond then usual

Miranda has brown hair but she is blonder then most blonds

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Blondering - definition

When someone is clearly more blonde than someone else or when someone behaves in a way that's more blonde than anyone else

person1 "No, you're blonde!"

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Blondering - slang

A person who only f*cks blondes

Brunette: Hey I was wondering do....

Guy: Sorry I'm a Blonder

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The act of a fair-haired person being distracted and wandering from one enticing place to another, with disregard for the original destination.

On her way to pick up the dry cleaning she began blondering through the brightly colored displays in the kitchen store.

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