Definder - what does the word mean?

What is blanchard?

A Small town in Central Oklahoma, just 15 minutes from, known, Norman, Oklahoma (home of OU). I have lived there for 18 years, grew up here. Its one of those towns where everybody knows everybody, literally, and their addresses, and their past. Its a quickly growing town, but still only 2 stop lights. It has a subway, and sonic, and other than the family owned restaraunts thats about it. Its a charming place to live, and the schools are nice and small. Though because everyone knows eveyrone, the teachers dont take their job that serious, and a few have been fired for having affairs, and or, sleeping with high schoolers.(like i said, everyone knows everyone). Though it is just a small town containing one grocery store, and 2 gas stations. It has appr. 8 churches. Very much into their religion (tho the kids are awfully rambunxious) I would never call anywhere but here my hometown. Even tho i am living in korea for 2 years (husband in the army). that is my home.

Blanchard Oklahoma

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blanchard - meme gif

blanchard meme gif

blanchard - video


Blanchard - what is it?

A situation in which someone finds themself trapped on the toilet next to an empty toilet paper roll.

"Honey, I seem to be experiencing a fat blanchard, could you bring me some toilet paper?"

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What does "blanchard" mean?

I female activist and amazing role model AND GORGEOUS all at the age ofor 16. She's Riley In Disney's Girls meets world.

'Do you love Rowan Blanchard'
'Yes!!!! She's amazing'

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Blanchard - what does it mean?

The worst person in the entire world you can ever meet, they are very annoying and rude for no reason at all. There looks are terrible they super UGLY oof your gonna have to bleach you eyes once you look at them, and next time you see them make sure you bring some bug spray because there a co-co-rochh ok? Ok you got it?, good.

Mrs. Blanchard is a RAT.

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Blanchard - meaning

A girl who played in Spy Kids 4 and is now on Disney's TV Sitcom Girl Meets World and is a very funny girl!

Did you see that new episode of Girl Meets World? Rowan Blanchard was hilarious!

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Blanchard - definition

A white person. Like seriously white. Pale, pasty, Caucasian; white.

You're pretty Blanchard today, you feeling okay?

You like Starbucks and county music? You Blanchard.

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Blanchard - slang

A person who doesn’t finish a book on time.

I have a guy in my book club and he never finishes books. He is such a Blanchard

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The shits - specifically where you need to take 6 months off work.

Where is Roxanne? She’s off with the Blanchards. Guess we will see her in April

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Of a scientist, to attempt to revive their discredited work by latching onto conspiracy theories instead of gracefully bowing out and dying with dignity.

"Welp, looks like Ray's trying to blanchard his trans typology back into relevance."

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being a fucking bitch

"you are such a blanchard!"

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