Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bezzy?

To describe a friend as your best friend or best mate.

Phil is my bezzy mate, we go to the pub together.

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bezzy - meme gif

bezzy meme gif

bezzy - video


Bezzy - what is it?

Another way to say "girlfriends"; typically used in the U.K.

Did you hear Lena and Kara are bezzie mates now?

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What does "bezzy" mean?

A young man who has small hands and is constantly ridiculed by others. These men also might attract sexual predators with long beards.

That Bezzy has the smallest hands i have seen on a Bezzy.

That Bezzy looks like good picking!

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Bezzy - what does it mean?

a word for your best friends

"i went the cinema with my bezzies last night." =

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Bezzy - meaning

UK slang for "best", mostly over the internet

me an me bezzie m8 r goin to get pissed! (Me and my best friend are going to get drunk!)

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Bezzy - definition

Bezzy is a versatile term to describe a ho as being particularly bad looking. Most of the time not used to describe women and often may be used when talking about people with no social life. Traits of bezzys include but are not limited to:

1: Lack of decent brand-name attire.
2: Inability to comb/brush hair.
3: Jeans that are too short in addition to the wearing of tube socks.
4: Has no interest in music.
5: Think they are cool, even though they have no friends.

" Man, look at that bezzy! Why can't he just buy himself a pair of DC's and iron his shirt!"

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Bezzy - slang

a female

damn look at dat "bezzy".. she a dime

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a bitch ass motherfucker dosent have to be a woman.

that niggaz a bezzy he shot my boy in the back

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a word that is used to call a person a slut, whore, bitch,hoe bag, and other bitchin names like that.

1. "That Amber is such a fuckin bezzy".
2. "Get out of here you punk rock bezzy!"

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a stupid girl a bitch

look at that dumb ass bezzy

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