Definder - what does the word mean?

What is beaver tails?

The act of 'tucking' ones genitals behind their legs and ironing the protruding shaft until black and tail like

Niddlebert: Jesus, why did you beaver tail yourself?
Fiddleshwert: I needed to build a dam for monsoon season

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beaver tails - video


Beaver tails - what is it?

The male defecates (poops) in and around the woman's vagina lips. he then grabs his scrotum with his bare hands. and pats down the shit inside of her. All in all having a good time.

Wow i gave Carla the best Beaver tail last night! She will be cleaning it for years!

👍55 👎55

What does "beaver tails" mean?

A poop so big it not only looks like a beaver's tail, but it acts like a dam in your toilet

Norman! You did it again. You plugged up the toilet with that beaver tail!

👍31 👎15

Beaver tails - what does it mean?

(Verb) to slap a girl in the face repeatedly with your penis, mimicing a beaver tail patting a dam.

"Dude, my boyfriend Beaver Tailed me this morning! That shit is so not ok!"

"My Girlfriend wouldnt wake up this morning so I Beaver Tailed her!"

👍47 👎33

Beaver tails - meaning

A female's clitoris.

Man I went down on some chick and she had like an inch long hard clitoris!

Thats what I call a Beaver Tail!!

👍53 👎37

Beaver tails - definition

When a girl's pussy lips are so loose they slap together and sound like a beaver slapping his tail on something.

DAYUM that pair a titties that passed out at my place last night had a bad beaver tail going on.

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Beaver tails - slang

a big gigantic flat sugary donut

with different toppings such as chocolate, whipped cream, or caramel....yum~

my favorite beaver tail is banana chocolate

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Beaver tails

An older woman with natural titties that begin to sag taking on the shape of a beaver tail.

"Did you see that older woman with the big naturals? She is older so they are starting to look like beaver tails."

👍97 👎65

Beaver tails

When a woman's Super Maxi Pad with Wings creates a visible bulge through their spandex. Often confused with the Tranny Tuck, the Beaver Tail can cause mass confusion when spotted in a public place.

"Dayum, that Beaver Tail is working hard to keep out that flood of blood!" - Anonymous Wal Mart Shopper

👍51 👎23

Beaver tails

When a womans tits are very flat and look like they've been sucked dry

That chick has an awful set of beaver tails on her.

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