Definder - what does the word mean?

What is beaver cleaver?

A spin off of "Tits and Ass." Cleaver meaning "cleavage" and "Beaver" meaning the vagina parts of a woman!

Damn... She got a good cleaver beaver ratio going on.

👍25 👎11

beaver cleaver - video


Beaver cleaver - what is it?

to hurriedly masturbate in preparation for vaginal sex; for the expressed purpose of cleaving the beav

after a chilly swim i had to sharpen the beaver cleaver before giving your mom a screaming pelican, so as not to appear baby dicked

👍41 👎11

What does "beaver cleaver" mean?

A Big Beaver Cleaver is a very large penis.

Pablo had a Big Beaver Cleaver which pleased lovers every where.

👍125 👎13

Beaver cleaver - what does it mean?


Your momma bled all over my beaver cleaver.

👍57 👎83

Beaver cleaver - meaning

1. Somebody well practiced and accomplished in performing oral sex on a woman;
2. A lesbian;
3. A beardless clam affectionato;
4. A poon burgler;
5. A clit licker extraordinaire

1. I'll never get to score with Joan Jett -- she's a beaver cleaver.
2. I bet I can get Joan Jett to lick my snatch -- she's a beaver cleaver.
3. Thank god Rosie O'Donnell is a beaver cleaver. I'd never dip my dick in that nasty cooter.

👍77 👎89

Beaver cleaver - definition

1...Theodore Cleaver 2...A Vagina with the last name, Cleaver.

In the 1960s an actor by the name of Jerry Mathers played the character "Beaver Cleaver", in the iconic TV show "Leave it to Beaver". Although young Mathers was an adorable little boy, the adult Mathers looks like a damn fool! Same goes for the kid on"two and a half men". As a matter of fact, Luke on "Modern Family" looks like a dickhead now, he is no longer near cute anymore. This happens on a lot of TV shows when the kid grows up. Same in real life also. Someone should define this phenomenon.

👍101 👎29

Beaver cleaver - slang

when a girl is on her rag and whips out her tampon to smack someone across the face with it to leave a bloody mark.

After Jane got mad at Fred she whipped out her tampon and gave him a beaver cleaver.

👍53 👎85

Beaver cleaver

a beaver cleaver refers to the buzzer the female uses to trim her bush in an attempt to portray a clean vagina to her naive partner, who should know what a filthy cunt she really has...

"Her beaver cleaver must be busted, cuz her shit is nappier then ive ever seen it!!!"

👍69 👎103

Beaver cleaver

A penis that has been fortified with Viagra and poppers in order to make its presence known in a Montana Beaver. The cleaving process is time consuming and exhausting. It requires a dedicated man willing to screw a woman who has indiscriminately screwed everything, animate and inanimate. The beaver cleaver is a high calling that only a special few can answer.

Jerry was tapped into active duty beaver cleaver status after Fran declared war on all phallic objects, thus acquiring a Montana beaver.

👍137 👎111

Beaver cleaver

Slang term for a particularly large cock. It derives its meaning from the fact that the cock cleaves, or splits open, the beaver, or pussy. A visceral term great for frat boy type bragging.

"Man, I can't believe you took home that Erin slut last night. She must be totally loose."

"Whatever, man. When you have a massive beaver cleaver like mine, it's not a problem.

👍313 👎87