Definder - what does the word mean?

What is baccas?

some big, hairy mexican guy that lives across the street.

I think I saw him in Star Wars.

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baccas - meme gif

baccas meme gif

baccas - video


Baccas - what is it?

literally the imposter

jack is a sussy bacca

👍59 👎21

What does "baccas" mean?

a jewish man who is hairy as fuck and resembles chewbacca; a towering Wookiee who is best known as the co-pilot of Han Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon in the Star Wars films.

ohh duuddee! look at that hairy beast over there! oh shit is that a yamaka? its is! ITS A JEW-BACCA!

👍129 👎51

Baccas - what does it mean?

Baccas a bacca is a mythical creature who is extremely hairy and the males have the big dumb and are foul smelling(should not be left alone. and the females are the opposite. baccas are cousins of the Sasquatch

were baccas we have the big dumb

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Baccas - meaning

When you love to see it / are a top shagga

Fuck me Becky from Bolton is a bacca

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Baccas - definition

a student who has received a baccalaureate.

As far as my academic qualifications are concerned, I must admit without any hestitation that I am a bacca.

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Baccas - slang

Getting a blowjob. Derived from Chewbacca (chewy).

Yo this bitch Rita gives some awesome bacca!

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stupid in Japanese

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rolling tobacco (UK). Used as baccy, in the same context, interchangeably.

Can I use a pinch of your bacca to roll with, please?

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Baccas can be used in the terminology of "Doggy style" the sex position.

Frank: Yeo the baccas my girl caught last night
Tommy: Say word you had her in that doggy doggy!
John: You got that girl on lock!

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