Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ayon?

the act of plucking a mans pubic hair, getting a funnel going into the urethra and placing all the hairs in a hair dryer. Turning the hair dryer on and blowing the hairs into the funnel. The man must now have his dickhole glued shut for several itchy painfull weeks

Marissa gave ayon a dirty ayon and comited step 6

👍35 👎15

ayon - meme gif

ayon meme gif

ayon - video


Ayon - what is it?

Very handsome. Fun to hang out with. Athletic. Loves to be with his friends. Good head on his shoulders. Outgoing. Ladies man but if one girl gets ahold of him, she will have his heart forever.

girl - i like you a lot, you just don't understand

jose ayon- well tell me then :)

👍53 👎15

What does "ayon" mean?

A very cruel guy

Get away from me

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Ayon - what does it mean?

is hands down one of the best guys you will ever meet. He is smart, caring, lovable, hot, laid back, sweet, sex god, and very manly. If something needs to be done Ayon will do it with style. This seems to have a very unique and awesome personality and way of going about things. All the guys want to be like Ayon, and all the girls want to date him. Ayons are the best friends and best boyfriends ever. If you get a hold of one be sure to hold on to him.

Guy 1: man, if only I could be like Ayon.
guy 2: dude, I know, he's got it all.

Girl 1: god, that girl is so lucky, she got an Ayon.
Girl 2: I know he is perfect

👍33 👎15

Ayon - meaning

"ayon" want to say "hello" in jubre.

"Ayon William, eka ėsvel tarta ?" = hi/hello william, how are you ?

👍35 👎13

Ayon - definition

very smart guy who is nice and helps you with homework

hey ayon what did you get for number 3?

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