Definder - what does the word mean?

What is arashi?

A children's anime film about the friendship between a Goat named Mei and a wolf named Gabu. They meet in a barn in the middle of a storm, and cannot see or smell each other (they both conveniently got colds). They speak to eachother throughout the night, and decide to meet again the next day in front of the barn using the codeword "One stormy night" (the film's name in English). They then discover each other's species, but continue to be friends. They are both persecuted for the friendship throughout the film.

Sadly, but unsuprisingly, the fandom for this excelent film seems to be made up mostly of yaoi fangirls who draw rule 34 of the pair (but somehow, the nonsexual yaoi is more disturbing than the rule 34.)

Me: *Is looking on deviantART*
Me: I wonder what the fanartists have made.

*Sees the pair as humans, Frenching*


Example 2:
Me: *Is looking on google images with the keywords "Arashi no Yoru ni rule 34"

Me: Let's see if rule 34 holds true.

*Sees at least 20 images of Mei and Gabu in their origonal forms, buttfucking*

Me: Dohohoho aaaaaggh that slaps me on the knee!

*Changes rule 34 to rule 63*

*Looks at one relevant result*

Me: *Is laughing until I cough up blood and cry stomach acid*

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arashi - meme gif

arashi meme gif

arashi - video


Arashi - what is it?

Japanese: Way of the storm.

Arashi Do Martial Arts is a school that exemplifies the way of the storm: controlled chaos.

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What does "arashi" mean?

A goddess, a queen, and a legendary woman from the game ensemble stars. she's simply ethereal and gorgeous.

i want a kiss from arashi narukami please queen just one chance i love you

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Arashi - what does it mean?

my wife omg

arashi narukami is my wife i lobe her

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Arashi - meaning

(n.) being forced to delete files or transfer them to an external drive due to a lack of free space on one's computer.

I would download that new concert, but I'm suffering from Arashi Syndrome.

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Arashi - definition

an icon, a legend, a queen arashi narukami is worshiped as a godess is enstars.

woah dude i have the biggest fatest crush on arashi narukami.

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Arashi - slang

The member of dyo on IRC chat that is the one to always liven up the conversation. Some say Arashi is one to carry on an argument, but that is debatable. Obsessed with Chii to the point of rabid insane attachment, though usually calm, collected and kind. Madly in love with Mina. (YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.)

Also known as "Zoso-san" and "AgentOfFortune".

«€Zoso-san» Hey... «€Zoso-san» Does anyone know if I'm a member of any cults?

You can easily misspell most normal words. But it's hard to typo curse words. wonder if the guy who came up with Qwerty had that in mind He probably did.

* AgentOfFortune slips KX a micky... er, gives him a pangalactic gargleblaster

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Character in the manga series, Paradise Kiss.

Arashi is a punk rocker.

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A Japanese boy band with very multi-talented boys. The boys in the band can sing, dance, act (in movies, TV, AND stage), etc.

The band is made up of Ohno Satoshi, Sakurai Sho, Aiba Masaki, Matsumoto Jun, and Ninomiya Kazunari (who recently starred in the movie Flags of Our Fathers.

Have you heard Arashi's latest single yet?

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"storm" in japanese

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